03-04-2022 14:49
03-04-2022 14:49
Hi there,
My Fitbit Blaze has just stopped tracking REM sleep, can you please help me get it back to this setting? Many thanks
03-05-2022 11:08
03-05-2022 11:08
@SleepyOtago Welcome to the Fitbit community.
Did it stop tracking just REM or is it not showing any of your sleep stages at all?
03-05-2022 14:20
03-05-2022 14:20
03-05-2022 14:25
03-05-2022 14:25
@SleepyOtago What do you mean by "turned on the heart monitor"? I have a Sense and don't make any heart monitor adjustments. It's always on and I'm not aware of an option to turn it off.
03-05-2022 15:45
03-05-2022 15:45
My Inspire 2 has an option to turn on/off 24 hour heart rate monitoring (a battery preservation thing) If I turn 24/7 HR to "off" it does a paired down sleep tracking, w/o sleep stages or sleep score. This got me too. The HR has to be set to 'On' for full sleep tracking. @eezeepee
03-05-2022 16:29