02-28-2015 01:14
02-28-2015 01:14
I got my Fitbit Surge 6 days ago. I set it to sensitive. The sleep pattern confirmed mine, and my husband's suspicions, that I have very poor sleep. Sleep efficiency 61%, and cycle length (also confirmed with a different mobile app) is only 60 mins not the usual 90 mins. I 'need' about 10-11 hours sleep to feel half-way decent. With 10 hrs sleep I get about 6 hrs. With 8-9 hrs sleep (my usual weekday allowance) I get about 5 hrs. My husband always complains that my restless sleep causes him lost sleep too 😞 (I say to him imagine how I feel!). I am usually fatigued all day and have trouble getting up in the morning and am struggling to maintain work function. I'm glad I got my Fitbit so I have proof of what is happening.
I was tested for sleep apnoea some years ago and had borderline/mild apnoea. I lost 70 lbs (30 kg) and then got retested and the apnoea had disappeared (good because I didn't tolerate the CPAP at all).
I would like to know what a 'normal' sleep pattern looks like and what another poor sleeper looks like so I can show my GP and get referred. Is there a specific kind of sleep study she can request other than for sleep apnoea?
I have added 2 screenshots of my usual sleep pattern, if some of you could add yours with a brief comment on if you sleep well or not, that would help me gather evidence for my GP appointment. TIA.
01-27-2017 06:59 - edited 01-27-2017 07:18
01-27-2017 06:59 - edited 01-27-2017 07:18
I am convinced that the normal setting is kind of useless, at least for me. I have had the HR Charge (1) since May 2015 and the few times that I set it to normal, my efficiency goes up to 98-100%. I did have the Force for a while before (and after) it was recalled and while I can't tell what the setting was back then, it seems consistent with what I get now on the sensitive setting. I wish there was a way to see what the setting was at the time of a specific sleep recording.
I have gone back and collected almost two years of my data and efficiency rating has averaged in the low 70s. I am now making a concerted effort to get it to the low 80s. Night by night, I am seeing my average go up because I am practicing mindful yoga before bed. And every day I notice I am not as drozy or tired throughout the day. At this point, this is the only reason I am wearing the fitbit. It is so valuable to me! I am going to need tape and glue to keep it together, but as long as it continues to work.
01-27-2017 10:16
01-27-2017 10:16
01-27-2017 12:41
01-27-2017 12:41
01-27-2017 20:56
01-27-2017 20:56
Hey, I'm a sleep tech and put patients on cpap every night. There are tons of options for masks and machines that it would come loose or fall off. You should go to someone who sells them and they'll show you! 🙂
01-30-2017 11:35
01-30-2017 11:35
@shwaldman Yes! You can export your data without a premium account here. I've also shared a screenshot of what it looks like below.
@Suntzu @Roadragemustang I recommend trying to log a couple of nights of sleep with your tracker set to the "normal" sleep setting.
@Panrich I recommend setting the sleep sensitivity setting to the same as your wife and then comparing each other's records.
02-01-2017 02:44
02-01-2017 02:44
Thank you all for your replies. I've found where you can retrospectively change between normal and sensitive views.
Go to the dashboard and click on see more for your sleep pattern.
The following screen shows where you can click to edit the graph:
Then you can change the chart option as circled:
02-17-2017 09:45
02-17-2017 09:45
Yours looks very similar to mine! I myself still have energy, but I am quite alarmed when I see friend's fitbit results and they sleep SOLID!
02-18-2017 09:16
02-18-2017 09:16
When it's set on 'normal' it doesn't give an accurate result. Sensitive gives a better idea of the deep sleep and the restless periods when you're dreaming. During my working week I sleep 6-7 hours of which 3-4 hours are (deep) sleep. The rest is restless, allthough to my opinion I get enough rest and I'm not awake much.
02-18-2017 10:17
02-18-2017 10:17
Interesting data. Noteworthy that the difference between maximum and minimum heart rate is quite high for your sleep. It seems that an important part of your sleep is quite light and therefore your average heart rate is much higher than mine. Mostly my own heartrate is between 55 and 70 during my sleep. Just like yours with a lot of light blue (restless) periods. About 50% is dark blue (deep sleep). Seeing this reassures me that there is nothing wrong 😉
Wondering how high your rest HR is.
02-18-2017 11:06
02-18-2017 11:06
Why not start with 30mils Unisom Nightime Sleep-Aid 6 nights per week.
02-22-2017 03:12
02-22-2017 03:12
The sensitive setting is definitely better for me, but then I sleep alone most nights, my husband sleeps better in his own bed. I logged just over 3 hours sleep last night, which I think is correct. I do, occasionally, take prescribed sleeping pills, but hate doing that. I have tried herbal remedies, but they don't seem to work well for me.
I think my best sleep is in a hot bath, when I am almost pain free, but then wake up when the water cools. I also find that I sleep a little better if I have a snack before I try to get to sleep.
02-22-2017 10:37
02-22-2017 10:37
I NEVER feel great when I wake up, because I can't sleep good. Then again I'm a teenager!
Here are my stats for sleeping for the past 2 nights. (Screen shots from my iPad)
02-22-2017 16:08
02-22-2017 16:08
02-22-2017 17:07
02-22-2017 17:07
02-22-2017 17:08
02-22-2017 17:08
Both are crazy I will give u a shot of a few days on sensitive and a shot of a few days on regularSensitive
02-22-2017 22:53
02-22-2017 22:53
Small sample of data as I have only recently purchased.
Along with others I was confused and perhaps sceptical with the sensitive setting.
Needless to say, I had a noticabley better quality sleep last night, both mind and body feeling more refreshed.
No idea why last night was different as the day and evening was very much routine, just like any other work day.
last night was much better
still felt like i slept ok
Hope they haven't secretly changed any backend algorithms 🙂
02-25-2017 09:35
02-25-2017 09:35
That looks alot like mine on Sensitive weather it's on sensitive or regular it sometimes shows a better sleep quality on regular I don't most of the time feel rested as I do constantly move and toss turn roll n move alot in my sleep I've always been told I move alot n my sleep I'm sure that puts a good dent n my sleep quality I've been like that ever since I was a kid I've been told do u feel exhausted when u awake
02-27-2017 13:56 - edited 02-27-2017 13:58
02-27-2017 13:56 - edited 02-27-2017 13:58
I got my Fitbit about 2 weeks ago. I had the sleep setting on normal the first night and then put it on sensitive. I've known for ages I don't sleep well. I tend to have my deepest sleep at the start of the night. I don't nap as often as I used to. I had one on Sunday after travelling home from Wales. But I do sleep deeply in naps. If anyone knows any ways to help have a longer deeper sleep please let me know. I think for me things that wake me up during the night are I don't feel like the bed is big enough for me and my partner. We are both quite small and have a double but I need to spread out else my back and hips hurt. I'm also quite a light sleeper when it comes to sound and temperature. Any suggestions welcome. I sleep with the window open when I can. I'm 26 y/o female. Also how do I view the sleep efficiency percentage? I have the Fitbit app on my iPhone.
02-28-2017 06:46 - edited 02-28-2017 13:34
02-28-2017 06:46 - edited 02-28-2017 13:34
I think the Android and iOS apps are now almost the same interface. I don't think there is a way to see the efficiency percent in the mobile app. You can calculate yourself, or you can see the percentage of sleep efficiency by looking on the website version, drilled down to the details level. I know Fitbit excludes that time it takes to fall asleep and the restlessness when you wake up from their calculation, so you many see a little variation.
In terms of improved sleeping, I too am working to improve my efficiency. I have off-loaded my data to analyze and find patterns. I have been as low as 60-day average of low-60s, but have gotten it back up to the mid-70s now. I am hoping to get and stay in the 80s. I have tried meditation and yoga as well as journalling. The yoga definitely helps me with issues I have with back and hip pain.
I have also heard that scents like peppermint and yoga help people, but still need to try that.
02-28-2017 23:37 - edited 02-28-2017 23:42
02-28-2017 23:37 - edited 02-28-2017 23:42
Hi there,
Sorry, duplicate post.