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sleep tracking gaps

I cannot understand why my sleep data is showing gaps in time I was asleep.

It shows pretty accurately when I went to bed, if I got up for a couple of minutes (bathroom, drink, pet the cat, etc) and then continues when I went back to sleep.

The problem is that it frequently shows three sleep periods in one night.  One will end with showing me asleep.  Then there will be a time gap of one to three hours (and I was still in bed asleep) but this time is never accounted for; and then begin ANOTHER segment showing me still asleep.  This might once again show me awake for several brief intervals (I am sometimes a restless sleeper) and once again it ends with showing me asleep.

There will be another unaccounted for time gap when I was not awake, then sometimes a third segment is shown beginning with me asleep. 

Why is this happening.  I could even understand beginning a new tracking after I had been out of bed for a few minutes during the night (bathroom, drink seeing if it was snowing, pet the cat, etc) and then went back to bed. 

I cannot get why one segment ends WITH ME ASLEEP and another begins an hour or more later WITH ME STILL ASLEEP. 

I have begun jotting down every time I actually wake up enough to get out of bed and move around for 3-5 minutes and those are shown pretty accurately. I also do tend to wake up briefly more than once each night but not get up; these are depicted nicely as well.

  I have NO idea why there are these long spells of time where nothing is shown--one time ends with me asleep, then there is they mystery segment of an hour or two when apparantly I died and had no heartbeat; then there I am again (asleep) in a new tracking segment.

Any ideas what is going on here?

I have also noticed that even when there is no unaccounted for time, sometimes the tracking seems to be split into two or three strips, one below the other, but at least then there is no lost time; the first will end with me asleep at , oh say 1:50AM and the next, showing below the first, will show me asleep at 1:51AM, etc. Other times it just goes in one continuous line.

Additionally I wonder why the blue perpindicular lines that show you are asleep are very close together sometimes and further apart at others; any reason for that? 

All answers much appreciated.

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The sleep chart graph should be in blue and red ---- blue shows when you're sleeping and red shows when you're awake, restless or otherwise sleeping rather poorly.  If the chart graph does not show these colours, then there may be something wrong with your programme and I would suggest contacting FitBit or look into the Help Forums for further guidance.  Certainly the FitBit Chart does not show you dead at any time even though it might look that way by the way the chart is set up and reading your sleep/non-sleep patterns.  Best of luck in solving this issue.

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Have you had an answer to this? I'm having the same issue. Beginning to wonder what on earth I'm up to in those missing hours!
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I have the same issue - there are gaps as long as two hours and yet \i know \i wasn't awake.  I am going to change to normal mode to see if that makes a difference.

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I just wanted to register that I occasionally have the same sleep recording gap problem - as in last night when I know I was not awake for the 3 hour gap indicated for the middle of the night.
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@CaverNSS12548Welcome to the Community! 


I recommend restarting your tracker and trying to log sleep again tonight. A restart is a good troubleshoot for these types of issues. Additionally, you can change your "Sleep Sensitivity" setting to sensitive from normal in your "Device Settings Page." Keep us posted on the results! Robot Very Happy

Erick | Community Moderator

It's all about the food! What's Cooking?

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I have my Charge set to sensitive. I have 1 hour 35 minutes unaccounted for in sleep graph. This is time I know I was in bed. I have searched fitbit help for explanation of gray in sleep graph with no results for this issue. I did not take steps during this time period either so was not out of bed asleep.
I have multiple sleep problems and this is why I purchased my fitbit. I need help with this glitch in the sleep graph. Thank you.
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@tkcornbred Can you please take a screenshot of what you're seeing and share it here with me so I can see what you're seeing. Also, provide me with the exact date of this sleep period. Thanks in advance!

Erick | Community Moderator

It's all about the food! What's Cooking?

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The date for this sleep period is night of July 31-Aug.1. As you see nothing is accounted for from 3:15 a.m.-4:35 a.m. I was in bed, did not take off fitbit, and was asleep. Thank you.
Teresa 🙂
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@tkcornbred I recommend reviewing the sleep record on the online Dashboard here to confirm if the sleep record is showing the same as on your mobile device.

Erick | Community Moderator

It's all about the food! What's Cooking?

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Yes, this info is the same but still does not answer why Charge did not record from 3:15 a.m. To 4:35 a.m. as shown in gray on the sleep odometer icon on first screenshot that I sent.
Teresa 🙂
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@tkcornbred Sorry, there was no screenshot in your post above. Can you please share it again? Thanks in advance.

Erick | Community Moderator

It's all about the food! What's Cooking?

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undefinedTeresa 🙂

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From these two screen shots you can see there is a gap between 3:15 a.m. -4:35 a.m. But no steps are taken and I was in bed asleep.  What is the reason for the gaps in sleep record?  There are numurous requests for this gap in this discussion. Real answers are greatly appreciated. Thanks.

Best Answer

@tkcornbred Thanks for sharing the screenshots, that's super helpful!


Can you confirm that your online Dashboard at is also showing the gap that you've described in the app? If not, I recommend logging out of the app and logging back in and checking back into that specific sleep record. Logging out and logging back in should refresh the sleep record. Let me know what you find out.

Erick | Community Moderator

It's all about the food! What's Cooking?

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Yes, Erick, I checked online dashboard immediately after you requested I do so in an earlier post. I answered that yes then it was the same and is still the same with a gap now. I even tried logging in and out of app and gap is still there. Still no answer for gap. Thanks.

Teresa 🙂
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@tkcornbred Thank you for confirming. Are the gaps constant? What is the cadence of the gaps, daily? Weekly?


Also, please share a screenshot of the online Dashboard's sleep tracking and also any other days with gaps. That will be useful in looking into your specific instance. Thank you for helping me gather more info from you.

Erick | Community Moderator

It's all about the food! What's Cooking?

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Yipee!  Its not just me!  This happens to me too. Did you ever figure out how to fix it?

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No, NugsMom. No answers at all from fitbit. I just keep getting asked the same questions that I have already answered here in the discussion and in private messages. I give up. It is frustrating and like nothing but the current reply is looked at or remembered.
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