12-02-2018 19:53
12-02-2018 19:53
I almost never wear my fitbit on my wrist due to my job (massage therapist) and lifestyle (gardening/hands in dirt)
I have found that it's fairly accurate to wear it around my ankle, but I'm wondering if that's the same for sleep?
I often feel like I get much more sleep than my fitbit records. I average 4 hours a night sleeping & another 4-4.5 restless/awake.
I've tried many different natural things to help my sleep & help me stay asleep.. but I wonder if my fitbit thinks I'm awake more often just due to moving my feet in my sleep, even while in the deepest REM cycle.
Has anyone experimented with both wrist and ankle sleep tracking and found one to feel more accurate since it's hard to know what's really going on?
12-10-2018 15:14
12-10-2018 15:14
fitbit doesn't recommend wearing a tracker on the ankle for any activity. having said that I understand why you do during the day, but not sure why you wouldn't use as intended at night. I can tell you that my feet especially when I am trying to fall asleep or have that "in between" sleep are more restless than the rest of me, for example deciding if my feet are cold or hot and how that stacks up against the blanket. I would try wearing your tracker on your wrist at night and see if you notice a difference over a series of days or weeks..
Elena | Pennsylvania
12-22-2018 07:10
12-22-2018 07:10
I bought my Charge2 mostly to monitor sleep so I, too, don't wear it during the day. I'm also not keen about the electrical/microwave EMF signals any device produces to the body so I wear it as little as I need to.
Lately I noticed a slight reddish discoloration on my wrist at the spot where I wear my Charge2 during sleep. Can't tell if it's a rash or slight burn marks (perhaps from light sensitivity? I dunno yet) so I've been experimenting with placing my Charge2 above my ankle, fastening it loosely and holding it in place under a tight-fitting sock.
As far as comparing data with it on my wrist v. leg, the jury's still out. I am a restless sleeper and think my hands and arms move a lot more than my legs, so I have been getting somewhat higher REM and DEEP stage percentages lately with Charge2 on my leg. But the sample is still quite small, so I wouldn't rely on this yet.
Hopefully, others will chime in with their experiences. There is a sensitivity setting in the app you may experiment with. If you select less sensitivity your data may "improve" so to speak.
11-19-2022 10:37
11-19-2022 10:37
I read an article that recommended wearing it on the ankle to sleep due to the electromagnetic fields. The reason the article gave is that it is farther from the brain when on your ankle than on your wrist.