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suddenly-sleep resting heart rate gone higher than daytime resting heart rate - ?? meaning???

so on arising this morning, thinking I had another great night's sleep, I saw, after I synced, a POOR rating for my sleep  - I've never had that before!!  I noticed my sleeping heart rate was elevated considerably - and way over my normal daytime resting heart rate.  Wondering if anyone might have some feedback as to what this might mean.......or not!

thanks in advance.........Jan from NH

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@tallullah hey there. If that is the only instances that it occurred, I would chalk it up to a bad reading from your tracker or you really did have a fitful sleep that you just don't remember. If things have been good since, I think you are a-OK. 

Elena | Pennsylvania

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thx!!  seems to have been the only far lol!


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Hi there, I am not a Dr. but I notice the same thing when I am sick or fighting an infection. I am just now recovering from a very mild Covid infection (or what I believe is) and while running a slight fever my heart rate at night was over my resting heart rate during the entire night. 

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yep, makes sense to me!  Hope you get better fast........I hear even the mildest of covid infections are nothing to sneeze take care of yourself!

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Hi Tallullah,

I got my Fitbit Sense 2 months ago and began a 10,000 step a day program.  My sleeping heart rate used to be pretty consistently lower than my resting heart rate but has gone up steadily since I started using it.  Last night, for the entire night, my sleeping heart rate was considerably higher than my resting heart rate.  I called my doctor who is putting me on a heart monitor to wear for a couple of weeks to be sure I am not having heart arrhythmias.  I hope I'm not making too much of this. 


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