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versa 2 not tracking sleep

My versa 2 does not track sleep for a few months not. Every now and then tracks one night and then goes on for a few weeks without any entry. Tried to turn off heart rate and sync it to the app and turn it on again. Tried to uninstall the app and reinstall. Tried to change the sleep sensitivity. Let the wrist band looser and sometimes tighter and nothing seems to change it. The heart rate track seems to be working fine since it tracks all my exercises without problem. What else can be done.

Best Answer

My Versa 2 was beginning to act like yours & was most irritating & annoying.  I did thf samd as you uninstsllknb app & reinstalling again, wrist band the same. I got onto the help department & they were suggesting I do what I had already done.

 Then they asked had I got new update & I said it says on app that update is OK. Told me to go to Fitbit App & latest update is there. I did & have no problems since then.

I hope you get sorted.

Best of luck.


Ann Fehily
Best Answer

Thank you for your answer. I deleted the app and download it again but nothing helped. I was told to reset it to factory settings and that is the last thing i want to do since I will lose all my music downloaded from the deceased fitbit connect. I think fitbit is trying to find a reason for us to subscribe to premium, deezer and pandora. After many years and several fitbit this one will be my last fitbit for sure.

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Hi Monika,

Sorry to hear you're still having trouble. I did get a new update when I went to uninstall the app again & got sorted. Why it tells us in the Fitbit site that Versa 2 has been updated if that is not correct is very misleading. I do have Premium as wanted access to more Mindfulness tapes & more accurate readings of sleep. It works fine for most of the time & when you go to report something not working they have new system where it's very hard to remember all instructions. The old way was much better where they'd answer you maybe an hour later but your questions & their answers were there to check back on, The new system just disappears with person helping.

Hope you've been sorted.







Ann Fehily
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Thank you, Ann, for taking your time writing an answer. Unfortunately, I lost hope in fixing the problem. My versa2 works fine. The heart sensor works fine and I have been using it for almost 3 years now. So, I am thankful that it still works in perfect condition after the 2-year warranty. The problem seems to be in the app and all the changes they made and that is really frustrating. Maybe whenever there is a new update it will fix itself. 

Thank you again


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Hi Monika

I agree with you.
My Versa 2 works fine as well for what ai want it to.
Actually the printout of how your sleep is. In the Restoration part my
sleep was always fairly erratic with several yellow/orange peaks to sleep
pattern. Somebody asked me did I suffer from Apnea? To which I replied not
that I know of.
I went to Consultant as was always exhausted every day. I had to spend a
night in hospital to have sleep test. The result was I have severe
positional sleep apnea. I couldn't wear one of those CPAP machines as feel
I'd suffocate. So slept for some weeks in fairly upright position but
that's boring. So purchased pillow that hold your head in correct position
& does stop me from going on my back. The result in the Fitbit tracking of
my sleep pattern without coloured peaks is amazing. My sleep apnea never
woke me but now thanks to Fitbit printout I'm doing just fine. So I too am
satisfied with my Versa 2 & thankful to it for the apnea warning.
Sincerely ,
Ann Fehily
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Ann what pillow did you buy? I've had a cpap machine for years now and still feel tired all the time. I'd love to try that pillow. 

Thank you. 

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