02-12-2019 13:20
02-12-2019 13:20
I have my charge 3 a few months and I bought it mainly for sleep tracking since I'm always tired ...
the problem is a lot of the nights I get an inaccurate results:
1. sometimes I go to sleep and the tracker records my sleep time an hour/2 hours later than the actual sleep time.
2. sometimes I get up in the morning and some of the night time apears as gray and not being tracked ...
what can be the reason for that?
what should I do?
if it can help I don't mind uploading my data somewhere ...
02-14-2019 10:28
02-14-2019 10:28
Hi Shay,
Are you looking at the last sync time reported for your Charge3 each time that you check your Sleep graphs? Because I find sync issues make it sometimes look like my sleep data is clearly wrong. I'm not quite sure but I THINK that it sometimes shows "Today" as being YESTERDAY'S sleep, until it does a new sync for the day. Mine's TERRIBLE in that respect. And the display of old data is confusing. So, be sure and look at how current your sync is, for the sleep from last night.
02-15-2019 04:47
02-15-2019 04:47
I am always syncing in the morning before looking ... its not the case ...
I was hoping to get some official response from Fitbit reps ... aren't thet suppose to be here?
Fitbit claims to be the best sleeping tracking device ...
can't they say what are the possible reasons it misses some sleeping time in the beginning or in the middle of the night?
how can I check it?
if there are relevant posts I missed please let me know ... I was searching for that ...
a bit disappointed from the lack of response from official reps ...
thanks again,
02-24-2019 17:01
02-24-2019 17:01
Last night was the first night it didn't track my sleep...not sure why either...other nights it has. Have had for 2 weeks....
I find the light on the watch waking me up so they need a OFF TIME in case you are tossing and turning.