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Average restlessness sleep?

I'm curious what the 'normal' times you are restless is. 

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I don't know about others, but to me there is no "normal". Some nights there might be 25 times restless or awake, and other nights, like last night, there were only 2 times restless or awake. 

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For me, it really depends on how tired I am.  If I'm exhausted I won't move much, but if I'm not too tired, I might move a lot.

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Hello @corieann, do you have your sleep set for normal and not sensative.. Unless you have a specific reason it should be set to normal. 


As you noticed I moved the thread from the I need help to the discussion forums better sleep. 

This seems to fit the topic closer and opens the thread to all the tracker a that monitor sleep.. Only 1 tracker doesnt. 

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Hi! It is set to normal but I'm curious what other peoples sleep is like. How many times are you restless through the night?

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I've been curious about the amount of restlessness also.  Most nights I seem to be 13x to 18x.  I've had as low as 7x.  Most people seem to be concerned with their sleep effieciency number, but if you have a high amount of restlessness, I don't believe that is good.  The thing I'm wondering is 13x - 18x of restlessness average?

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Hi, I'm restless 10x to 24x per night!!  Just wondered what most folks average.

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Don't know that there is any kind of average, @Classy16, since so many things affect how restless one is when sleeping.  I just looked over the past week, and mine ranged from a low of 3x to 16x during the week. 

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My average is 27. 

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IMG_6961.PNGI've been using the fit bit for approx 3 months. My average nights sleep is 4 hours. Is it really even accurate? What's the difference to setting from normal to sensitive? My partner has told me several times to get rid of the watch.. appears I'm getting a little obsessed with sleep patterns. Intriguing though 




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                                     I would say you're set on sensitive instead of normal.  It looks like it's picking up every movement you make and not giving you enough sleep time.  Be sure it's on normal.  

For myself, the reason I asked about the number of restless movement of others is because one doctor says I'm not bad enough to be treated for sleep apnea and another says I need to be treated.  Too much movement isn't good if it's caused by sleep apnea. I was looking to see what other people are doing as far as restlessness.

Thanks everyone for your response!

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I don't know what model of Fitbit you have, but when mine only registered 4 hours of sleep.....and I knew I had slept more.....I rebooted it and it was fine.  If it is set on sensitive, that may also be a problem.  Mine had to be set to normal when I first got it for the same showed WAY too much restlessness and not enough hours of sleep.  Check that sure it's on normal.  Thanks for your post.
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Thank you for responding! I have set it to normal. I also saw my Dr who has
referred me for a sleep study. I'll let you know how it goes tonight on the
normal setting.

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I                                   I'm sure you'll see a big improvement on the normal setting.  If you've never had a sleep study I guarantee you will not sleep much when you're hooked up to all the wires.  It's an interesting process.....I've had 3 of them. If you don't mind sharing how you make out, I'd love to hear.  Sometimes it takes a month to get the results.

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I'm between 4-10 times restless and 0-2 times awake and 96-99% efficiency. I do use a cpap machine. My wife says I move very little while sleeping while she flops around like a fish out of water. My sleep is very regimented since I found out I have severe sleep apnea. The cpap machine has made a huge difference in my life and if anyone is having  difficulty with sleep or fatigue during the day go see a sleep specialist.

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                                    Thanks so much for sharing.  I don't know if you saw one of my posts that my 2 doctors don't agree on my sleep study.  One says I'm not that bad; the other says I need to be treated.  I'm trying to gather information to make an educated decision. I appreciate your info.

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                                    Mine varies.  I've never been a good sleeper.  I wake up several times during the night and of couse I move around.....well, that's going to show as being restless.  I've been as low as 8 X and as many as 20 X.  I've been curious as what is normal for others too.

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You were right! It was set to sensitive! SO much of a difference in readings last night. I did try a supplement to help me sleep also (High Burn 😎 IMG_6964.PNG



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Thanks @SunsetRunner. That's kind of what I thought was happening before I got a Fitbit (sleep apnea)  so I was curious what it looked like for everyone else. I'm dreading a sleep test though as I'm already a light sleeper 😕

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