03-02-2016 08:01
03-02-2016 08:01
Hello all,
Yet another post about HR accuracy while exercising (jogging, running).
Around my house, or early morning workouts or later evening, my Surge HR monitor is basically ok.
But when I workout during the day and my Surge is on the sunny side, the accuracy goes down the toilet. Everything from the "--" to over 190 BPM! I have reposition my Surge up the arm, down, on the inside etc per FitBit suggestions but no good.
So, is the due to the sun? I read about the laser action and capillary action for detection of the HR. Is the sun overexposing the area or (not sre what to say) penetrating int oteh skinand diffracting?
I hope someone can shed some "light" on the subject.
03-02-2016 15:21
03-02-2016 15:21
There are a number of reasons for inaccuracy:
- too much outside light leaking under Surge
- Surge moving around
- cold weather, as it decreases blood flow in extremeties like your wrist
- wrist bending, when lifting barbells or dumbbells, as
- tattoos on wrist
- certain skin colors
- certain physiology
- etc
- etc
So yeah, sounds like outside light is 'leaking' under Surge and causing a problem with HR accuracy.
Aria, Fitbit MobileTrack on iOS. Previous: Flex, Force, Surge, Blaze