08-03-2017 12:45
08-03-2017 12:45
For a bike ride that was automatically detected on my Fitbit, Fitbit said I burned 86 calories (for a 30 minute bike ride at 13 mph), but MapMyFItness said over 300 calories. That's an awful big difference. Is this because of the calorie adjustment logarithm?
08-03-2017 15:41
08-03-2017 15:41
Hi, @Michelle1234567! Can I ask what tracker you're using? If it's not a heart rate model, I've noticed Fitbit doesn't always do the greatest job estimating calories. However, I see when you plug in the exercise into the track exercise in Fitbit, it looks pretty similar to what I would guess you would get out of mapmyfitness. So, something seems up with the autodetect on your tracker. It's probably not registering the distance all that well.
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