05-12-2020 18:12
05-12-2020 18:12
After I finish a workout on my peloton bike, I share it with fitbit. It has me log in to fitbit and a check mark appears indicating that it synced. Well when I go to my Fitbit app, it doesn't show up. This has happened for several workouts I've done on my peloton and I'm not sure what's wrong. Any suggestions or help?
05-13-2020 06:33
05-13-2020 11:43
05-13-2020 11:43
05-13-2020 14:42
05-13-2020 14:42
Then you have 1 of two choices @Pezerez1
Through fitbit revoke access to peloton and setup the link. This is the only steps you can do through fitbit.
The other choice, since peloton is in control of the link, you could contact Fitbit.
To revoke access
Open the Fitbit app
Go to account
Manage data
Manage third party apps