03-19-2024 22:34
03-19-2024 22:34
I've got the original Inspire and everything is working fine except that I can't download the spreadsheet from my settings any more and the only thing that I've done differently is to link my Gmail account to my FitBit account when I replaced my mobile phone.
I know that there was a lot of anger and frustration and disappointment when Google and FitBit first linked up and loads of people were having this exact problem and they were told that there was no way to unlink... please tell me that's changed now after all these years? Pretty please?
Thank you so much.
03-19-2024 22:56
03-19-2024 22:56
I've just spotted that you have to link your FitBit to Google by 2025, so I'll leave that bit, but can someone tell me how to download the previous 7 days of data in a spreadsheet, like I could before I linked them please?
I know this thread is in the wrong place now, but can't find a way to move or delete it... can someone help me out with this too please?