07-23-2024 17:55
07-23-2024 17:55
I've been using SyncFit (https://dev.clintonblackburn.com/syncfit) for over two years and it worked just fine when about 3 days ago it just quit. It keeps saying wrong token or some other parameter is not correct; but it was before and I didn't change anything. That was the only iOS app I found that really synced most of the data - including heart rate, etc. No other app, no matter how pricy it is, does not sync it, or even if I use manual sync now, it won't sync only once a day and even though the advert says syncs ALL data, it won't only some select data. Anyone can help, either with the SyncFit or suggest one that syncs ALL data, not just select?
07-24-2024 04:40
07-24-2024 04:40
I am having this same problem. I have not yet found a solution, just wanted to let you know you’re not the only one.