09-15-2024 20:03
09-15-2024 20:03
I used to look at this all the time to check my score.... I can't seem to find this graph anymore?
Can anyone help me please?
09-22-2024 16:40
09-22-2024 16:40
I have also have this issue on:
Version 4.25.2.fitbit-mobile
Language is set to British English in settings, but changing to US English does not resolve.
09-23-2024 01:51
09-23-2024 01:51
Also having this issue. If someone has found a way to fix it, please let me know.
09-23-2024 02:22
09-23-2024 02:22
09-24-2024 05:32
09-24-2024 05:32
Same issue here, looks like it came with the latest app update which was pushed to my phone today. I'm located in Sweden. Seems the only way to change the app language to English is to change the system language on the phone, and I don't want to do that - I should not have to do that. Ok if the app takes the system language as deafult but being able to manually override it would have been great.
However, the fix shouldn't be "change your language" - the fix should be to actually solve the bug. Please escalate (and please TEST all languages before pushing an update, how is this not standard work?)
09-24-2024 08:46
09-24-2024 08:46
09-24-2024 23:40
09-24-2024 23:40
Thanks, this worked for me too! Changed system language to English - checked the app and found the cardio score - changed system language back to Swedish - cardio score is still in the app 😊