03-06-2025 07:31
03-06-2025 07:31
Hi, I tried to get heart rate intraday data a couple of times by running "/1/user/GGNJL9/activities/heart/date/{date_str}/{date_str}/1min.json" but failed.
It returned {"errors":[{"errorType":"insufficient_permissions","message":"API client is not authorized by the resource owner to access the resource requested. Visit https://dev.fitbit.com/docs/oauth2 for more information on the Fitbit Web API authorization process."}],"success":false}
I am sure my authorization included the “heartrate” scope (and any other necessary scopes) and the OAuth 2.0 Application Type is Personal. My OAuth 2.0 Client ID is 23Q4HS. Can you please help on this?
03-06-2025 11:24
03-06-2025 11:24
Hi @YellowSky
Have you confirmed that the user's data you are trying to get are from the same user as the application owner?
4 hours ago
4 hours ago
Yes, I am the application owner and trying to get the data on my Inspire 3. Both application and Inspire 3 is on my account. I am able to get the sleep data and the step taken data but not heart data.