05-24-2022 04:33
05-24-2022 04:33
Hello, while doing the integration with Fitbit we have come across a relatively big difference in amount of calories burned for a workout/activity. We fetch the data using the Get Activity Log list.
05-26-2022 18:19
05-26-2022 18:19
Hi @Zarko2022,
Could you post the JSON response output you're seeing for this particular activity and share a screenshot of the value you are seeing on the dashboard?
05-27-2022 06:49 - edited 05-27-2022 06:49
05-27-2022 06:49 - edited 05-27-2022 06:49
"activeDuration": 402000,
"activeZoneMinutes": {
"minutesInHeartRateZones": [
"minuteMultiplier": 2,
"minutes": 0,
"order": 2,
"type": "CARDIO",
"zoneName": "Cardio"
"minuteMultiplier": 1,
"minutes": 3,
"order": 1,
"type": "FAT_BURN",
"zoneName": "Fat Burn"
"minuteMultiplier": 2,
"minutes": 0,
"order": 3,
"type": "PEAK",
"zoneName": "Peak"
"minuteMultiplier": 0,
"minutes": 0,
"order": 0,
"type": "OUT_OF_ZONE",
"zoneName": "Out of Range"
"totalMinutes": 3
"activityLevel": [
"minutes": 1,
"name": "sedentary"
"minutes": 0,
"name": "lightly"
"minutes": 0,
"name": "fairly"
"minutes": 5,
"name": "very"
"activityName": "Run",
"activityTypeId": 90009,
"averageHeartRate": 110,
"calories": 48,
"distance": 0.372437,
"distanceUnit": "Kilometer",
"duration": 666000,
"elevationGain": 0,
"hasActiveZoneMinutes": true,
"heartRateLink": "https://api.fitbit.com/1/user/-/activities/heart/date/2022-05-23/2022-05-23/1sec/time/19:49:49/20:00:55.json",
"heartRateZones": [
"caloriesOut": 87.81375600000001,
"max": 115,
"min": 30,
"minutes": 8,
"name": "Out of Range"
"caloriesOut": 32.9301585,
"max": 137,
"min": 115,
"minutes": 3,
"name": "Fat Burn"
"caloriesOut": 0,
"max": 166,
"min": 137,
"minutes": 0,
"name": "Cardio"
"caloriesOut": 0,
"max": 220,
"min": 166,
"minutes": 0,
"name": "Peak"
"lastModified": "2022-05-23T18:20:09.000Z",
"logId": 48228362245,
"logType": "tracker",
"manualValuesSpecified": {
"calories": false,
"distance": false,
"steps": false
"originalDuration": 666000,
"originalStartTime": "2022-05-23T19:49:49.000+02:00",
"pace": 1094.0561724363163,
"source": {
"id": "164131568",
"name": "Versa Lite",
"trackerFeatures": [
"type": "tracker",
"url": "https://www.fitbit.com/"
"speed": 3.290507462686567,
"startTime": "2022-05-23T19:49:49.000+02:00",
"steps": 490,
"tcxLink": "https://api.fitbit.com/1/user/-/activities/48228362245.tcx"
But on the Dashboard it says more calories:
05-27-2022 10:32
05-27-2022 10:32
Hi @Zarko2022,
Thanks for providing me with the requested information. This looks like a clear visual bug on the site to me, so I'll go ahead and file a ticket for investigation. In the meantime, I wouldn't rely on the metrics you see on the historical activity list view on the website until we push out a fix.
Thank you for bringing this to our attention, and I'll let you know when we have any updates.
10-03-2023 08:41
10-03-2023 08:41
@JohnFitbit Did you guys manage to fix this ? Sorry, I know it is an old issue.