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Calories Discrepancy

Hello, while doing the integration with Fitbit we have come across a relatively big difference in amount of calories burned for a workout/activity. We fetch the data using the Get Activity Log list.

"logId" for the activity is 48228362245. The Calorie value is 48. But on the Dashboard, the value shown for that activity is 76. 

Its not a small difference, and we aren't able to figure out what is causing it.


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Hi @Zarko2022,


Could you post the JSON response output you're seeing for this particular activity and share a screenshot of the value you are seeing on the dashboard?

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            "activeDuration": 402000,
            "activeZoneMinutes": {
                "minutesInHeartRateZones": [
                        "minuteMultiplier": 2,
                        "minutes": 0,
                        "order": 2,
                        "type": "CARDIO",
                        "zoneName": "Cardio"
                        "minuteMultiplier": 1,
                        "minutes": 3,
                        "order": 1,
                        "type": "FAT_BURN",
                        "zoneName": "Fat Burn"
                        "minuteMultiplier": 2,
                        "minutes": 0,
                        "order": 3,
                        "type": "PEAK",
                        "zoneName": "Peak"
                        "minuteMultiplier": 0,
                        "minutes": 0,
                        "order": 0,
                        "type": "OUT_OF_ZONE",
                        "zoneName": "Out of Range"
                "totalMinutes": 3
            "activityLevel": [
                    "minutes": 1,
                    "name": "sedentary"
                    "minutes": 0,
                    "name": "lightly"
                    "minutes": 0,
                    "name": "fairly"
                    "minutes": 5,
                    "name": "very"
            "activityName": "Run",
            "activityTypeId": 90009,
            "averageHeartRate": 110,
            "calories": 48,
            "distance": 0.372437,
            "distanceUnit": "Kilometer",
            "duration": 666000,
            "elevationGain": 0,
            "hasActiveZoneMinutes": true,
            "heartRateLink": "",
            "heartRateZones": [
                    "caloriesOut": 87.81375600000001,
                    "max": 115,
                    "min": 30,
                    "minutes": 8,
                    "name": "Out of Range"
                    "caloriesOut": 32.9301585,
                    "max": 137,
                    "min": 115,
                    "minutes": 3,
                    "name": "Fat Burn"
                    "caloriesOut": 0,
                    "max": 166,
                    "min": 137,
                    "minutes": 0,
                    "name": "Cardio"
                    "caloriesOut": 0,
                    "max": 220,
                    "min": 166,
                    "minutes": 0,
                    "name": "Peak"
            "lastModified": "2022-05-23T18:20:09.000Z",
            "logId": 48228362245,
            "logType": "tracker",
            "manualValuesSpecified": {
                "calories": false,
                "distance": false,
                "steps": false
            "originalDuration": 666000,
            "originalStartTime": "2022-05-23T19:49:49.000+02:00",
            "pace": 1094.0561724363163,
            "source": {
                "id": "164131568",
                "name": "Versa Lite",
                "trackerFeatures": [
                "type": "tracker",
                "url": ""
            "speed": 3.290507462686567,
            "startTime": "2022-05-23T19:49:49.000+02:00",
            "steps": 490,
            "tcxLink": ""




But on the Dashboard it says more calories:




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Hi @Zarko2022,


Thanks for providing me with the requested information. This looks like a clear visual bug on the site to me, so I'll go ahead and file a ticket for investigation. In the meantime, I wouldn't rely on the metrics you see on the historical activity list view on the website until we push out a fix.


Thank you for bringing this to our attention, and I'll let you know when we have any updates.

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@JohnFitbit  Did you guys manage to fix this ? Sorry, I know it is an old issue.

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