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Can not use OAuth2 - it falls back to OAuth 1



I try to use OAuth2, and looks like FitBit falls back to OAuth1 for some reason.

What I am doing:

1. I send authorize URL in the from of:<clientId>&redirect_uri=http%3A...

2. I land on Fitbit OAuth2 authorization page 

3. I click "Allow" button

4. After that I redirected to Fitfit OAuth 1 page:<my token>#_=_ that also have "Deny" and "Allow" buttons. 

5. After I click "Allow" button again I got redirected to the page I specified originally in redirect_uri parameter with addition of "?oauth_verifier=<token>&oauth_token=<token>", which is OAuth 1 parameters (while omiting "state" as well)


If click on "Deny" button on the 1st OAuth2 page, I got redirected to my redirect_uri with correct query parameters.


What I am doing wrong?


P.S. In Fitbit settings I choose "Server" as application type and I want to use Authorization Code Grant Flow mode. 


Thank you,



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