06-01-2015 16:40
06-01-2015 16:40
Body measurements do not appear to be accessible in the web dashboard, and the API is depreciated. It is unclear, but it might be a premium feature. However, custom trackers are an option. However, there does not appear to be an API to access these custom trackers.
Is there a workable solution for someone to track their body measurements, that is accessible via the dashboard and an API?
06-01-2015 16:42
06-01-2015 16:42
No, the body measurements and custom trackers are not premium features. There is no API for custom trackers. These features are not available to new users and they are not being developed further.
06-01-2015 16:46
06-01-2015 16:46
Interesting. I am curious to the rationale behind the decion to remove body measurements.
@JeremiahFitbit wrote:No, the body measurements and custom trackers are not premium features. There is no API for custom trackers. These features are not available to new users and they are not being developed further.