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Discrepancy between Dashboard and API for total miles

**DISREGARD THIS QUESTION, the api is returning kilometers**


Here is my dashboard from 4/15, showing 11,711 total steps and 5.76 total miles.  The API for the same day shows the same number of steps:


            [steps] => 11711


but the total miles are way inflated:


[distances] => Array
[0] => Array
[activity] => total
[distance] => 9.26

[1] => Array
[activity] => tracker
[distance] => 9.26


Any thoughts on why this is??


Thanks, Len



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@ljhardy Glad you figured it out.


If you want the API to return distance in miles, you'll have to include the Accept-Language header and set it to 'en_US'. Robot Happy

Andrew | Community Moderator, Fitbit

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Thanks Andrew - I'm sure this should be easy, but I'm struggling a little bit with it.  Do I set this header when I authenticate, or when I request the data?

Thanks, Len

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@ljhardy Depending on the programming language or framework you're using, you should consult their documentation for adding HTTP headers.

Andrew | Community Moderator, Fitbit

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