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Does the Web API expose activity records for the fitbit One?

I cannot see tracked "exercises" from my fitbit One on the /activities/list.json endpoint.  I see it when going to my Fitbit Dashboard > Log > Activities, it shows up as an "Activity Record".


On the fitbit One, you simply hold the button down for 2-3 seconds, and it begins to track as an exercise.  You do the same to stop it from tracking the exercise.  It appears the simplicity of this general "exercise" tracking may make it fairly different then the newer fitbit's where you can specify a "Walk" or "Run"... I'm wondering if this older type of general "Exercise" was missed in the Web API or is there a different endpoint to get this?  I also tried /activities/date/YYYY-mm-dd.json, it simply does not show up for an activity record logged from the One tracker.

Best Answer

Hi @clueo8 


Have you tried querying your data in the Web API Explorer,  When you consent, please don't change the client ID displayed.   



Gordon Crenshaw
Senior Technical Solutions Consultant
Fitbit Partner Engineering & Web API Support | Google
Best Answer

Yes, I can't seem to locate fitbit One tracked activities on the Web API.

Best Answer

Thank you for confirming.   Let me do some research on this for you.




Gordon Crenshaw
Senior Technical Solutions Consultant
Fitbit Partner Engineering & Web API Support | Google
Best Answer

Hi @clueo8 


The Web API is only able to return data based on what the device supports.   It looks like the Fitbit One device does not record activities in a way that exposes it through the API similarly to the newer devices.  If you need to record activities using a pedometer, you can use the mobile application as a pedometer.   You'll want to enable mobile track to provide continuous step recording.  When you want to record an activity, you'll start recording through the exercise section of the dashboard.





Gordon Crenshaw
Senior Technical Solutions Consultant
Fitbit Partner Engineering & Web API Support | Google
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