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Female Health Data (Menstruation) not available via Web API

I've looked in the following places for the endpoint that'll return my "female health" (period) data to no avail:

If this data is accessible, can could someone point me in the right direction to be able to access it? Additionally, why isn't it included in the Web API docs...?

If it's not accessible, is there a reason that this data is not accessible?

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After looking into this further, I'm getting the impression that "female health data" is stored locally on the phone app. I noticed that it's not even accessible from the desktop browser UI 😓

This is a bummer.

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Hi @SunsetRunner,


Unfortunately, Female Health Tracking is not yet available in the Web API. However, this has been brought up in the past by the Community, and I recommend expressing your interest in making this data publicly available here:


Our product teams regularly visit these forums to track interest for ideas. When an idea has tracked enough interest, they may consider implementing it.


I hope this helps. Let me know if you have any other questions.

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hi I;d like to see as part of the health tracker for women, is a menopause application. Not in my child bearing years and not needing to track my period. Would love to be able to track menopause symptoms. I'm sure google would like this data as well. 
would be extremely helpful. thanks



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Hello John! Any update on this, please? It's extremely sad that despite this being repeatedly requested since 2020 it still hasn't been addressed. At the risk of sounding harsh, is it because that this requirement doesn't deal with the entire customer base that this has been left out? Is there a way this can be prioritized?

Thank you.

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@dgobbledygook Unfortunately, there are no updates on this feature request as of yet. In the meantime, the team has released several data points at the end of 2022, which you can read about in the Develop Blog.

We are continuing to work with the team to review highly requested data points and provide updates as they come.

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