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Fetch data from fitbit using fitbitphp or python fitbit

I am bought a fitbit device and I am trying to understand how is it possible to fetch data (for example steps and heart rate). I have create a dev and generate a token id and a secret. Is there any tutorial in how to use those crendentials in order to get data? How can I fetch data real time? Is there a way to do so or there are limitations? Moreover I got the following php wrapper fitbitphp. I am trying to run the basic code in order to get access to my fitbit app. I am using the following code:


require 'fitbitphp.php';
$fitbit = new FitBitPHP('........', '......');
$xml = $fitbit->getProfile();

However I am receiving the following messages:


( ! ) Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'OAuthException' with message 'making the request failed (Peer certificate cannot be authenticated with given CA certificates)' in C:\wamp\www\fitbitphp-master\fitbitphp.php on line 184
( ! ) OAuthException: making the request failed (Peer certificate cannot be authenticated with given CA certificates) in C:\wamp\www\fitbitphp-master\fitbitphp.php on line 184

Any idea about my problems?

Edit: I tried to user python fitbit lib. My python code is the following:


import fitbit
unauth_client = fitbit.Fitbit('...', '...')

I got the following message: 

raise HTTPUnauthorized(response)
 fitbit.exceptions.HTTPUnauthorized: oauth_acceptable_timestamps=1439885193-1439885793

Any idea about both issues? Basically what should I add in authd_client = fitbit.Fitbit()? What is exactly USER_KEY and USER_SECRET?

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It seems that you have some problem with SSL certificate. For fixing this in PHP maybe this could help

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