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Get activity logs. pagination broken

Hi, I'm developing an application based on the Fitbit API (I'm the one that created the Go-client for Fitbit).


The first request to the activity logs endpoint works fine, the request is made to the URL: 


The returned value contains: 


That's supposed to be the URL to request to fetch the following 100 activities. Anyway, this doesn't work. The server returns every time


StatusCode: 504. Message: Gateway Timeout


The problem is with the offset parameter: if my first request is made to the very same endpoint, with any possible value of offset the server always returns 504.


So, how can I paginate the responses? I guess there's a bug on your side that's preventing this to work as expected.


Waiting for your reply.




ps: in the URLs instead of DATE please add the in the format YYYY-mm-dd.

For some reason, the forum is preventing me to post with this error message (I guess this is a bug of this forum):


The message body contains TWENTYTHRRE-ZEROFOUR-ELEVEN , which is not permitted in this community. Please remove this content before sending your post.


I can't use numbers somehow (wtf)

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Hi @pgaleone,


Thanks for reporting this issue. Looking at your endpoint, I immediately noticed that your offset was set to 100. The only value supported for this field is 0, per the documentation. Could you retry your request and let me know if the issue still persists? Thanks!

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Yes, I read the documentation. But the problem is in your API response, that's returning me the URL containing the offset=100.


Anyway, I guess I understood the problem: poor (terrible) error reporting.


I can make requests without any problem (even using the returned URL) if the limit is a number less than 100. As soon as my request becomes the request of some activity older than the latest 100, the server starts returning 504.


This means that API endpoint is just limited (on Fitbit side, not documented, and for no apparent reason) to return only AT MOST the latest 100 acttivities.


Can you verify this? If it is as I guess, you should update the documentation accordingly (and also returning a meaningful error).


For additionally clarifying:


A request to




A request to  


it doesnt.


If I change the limit to 10, for example  


The API returns this value for the next API request:   


and it works without any problem.

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