06-27-2016 11:08
06-27-2016 11:08
I am making an API call for the heart Rate Intra Day. I have selected the app type as Personal. I am getting empty dataset even though my device is synced to the latest. Is there anything I am missing? Here are the details - request url - https://api.fitbit.com/1/user/2T7TL4/activities/heart/date/2016-06-26/1d/1min.json
Response : (["activities-heart-intraday": {
dataset = (
datasetInterval = 1;
datasetType = minute;
}, "activities-heart": <__NSCFArray 0x7fc38e504600>(
dateTime = "2016-06-26";
value = {
customHeartRateZones = (
heartRateZones = (
max = 96;
min = 30;
name = "Out of Range";
max = 134;
min = 96;
name = "Fat Burn";
max = 163;
min = 134;
name = Cardio;
max = 220;
min = 163;
name = Peak;