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How do you get data?

authentication works fine


require 'fitbitphp.php';

$consumer_key ='XXXX';

$fitbit = new FitBitPHP($consumer_key, $consumer_secret);



Nothing works after authenticating

$profile = $fitbit->getProfile();


Fitbit request failed. Code: 400


$activities = $fitbit->getActivities(new DateTime(date('Y-m-d')));


Fitbit request failed. Code: 400




returns no userId


How do I resolve these?


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Can someone please help me? I bought a Surge and tried to download the software to my Windows PC. I followed directions on page 4 of user manual, but when I opened the folder, I could not locate the installation program FitbitConnect_Win.exe. I tried deleting the folder but the error message said this couldn't be done because a file in the program was in use. What can I do?

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