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Invalid token error

Hi all. In my application I have authorised a user, and added them to a subscription. However whenever I add any activities for that user via the app, nothing is sent back to my subscription endpoint.


The subscriber is verified, and when I add the subscription for the user it returns a subscription code and id as expected.


I then tried to do the following to check that the user's subscription had been added correctly:




    $subscriptionUrl = "".$fitbit_user_id."/activities/apiSubscriptions/1.json";
    $ch = curl_init();
    $options = array(
            CURLOPT_URL => $subscriptionUrl,
            CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => true,
            CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER => array(
                'Authorization: Bearer ' . $fitbit_user_token
    curl_setopt_array($ch, $options);
    $result = curl_exec($ch);

    $json = json_decode($result, true);

    error_log(print_r($json, true));



However the response is always:


Array\n(\n [success] => \n [errors] => Array\n (\n [0] => Array\n (\n [errorType] => invalid_token\n [message] => Access token invalid: eyJhbGciOiJIUz[...]Jpc3MiOiJGaXRiaXQiLCJ0eXAiOiJhY2Nlc3N]


I'm banging my head against a wall now because my auth process all appears to be working, it's returning the token and refresh code for the user, and when I open the fitbit app on my phone I can see that my app has been authorised. Also the token expiry is 8 hours, so I don't believe it is an issue with expiry.


Any help would be gratefully received!


Thanks, Matt


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As an update to this post, I have now managed to fix the authentication issue, however I am still having a problem with the subscription.


Making this call to create the subscription:

$subscriptionUrl = "";
        $ch = curl_init();
        $options = array(
                CURLOPT_URL => $subscriptionUrl,
                CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => true,
                CURLOPT_POST => true,
                CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER => array('Authorization: Bearer '.$user_token,
                        'Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded')
        curl_setopt_array($ch, $options);
        $result = curl_exec($ch);


Returns the following:



which suggests to me that the subscription has been created successfully. However I'm not receiving any data to my subscription endpoint. Also if i poll the subscription endoint to check subscriptions for the user, nothing is returned:


$subscriptionUrl = "".$fitbit_user_id."/activities/apiSubscriptions.json";
    $ch = curl_init();
    $options = array(
            CURLOPT_URL => $subscriptionUrl,
            CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => true,
            CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER => array(
                'Authorization: Bearer ' . $user_key,
                'Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
    curl_setopt_array($ch, $options);
    $result = curl_exec($ch);


returns: {"apiSubscriptions":[]}


Any thoughts?



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Hi @hikingchallenge 


Each user is going to have a unique subscription id.  If you don't provide the subscription id when creating the subscription, we will add the id for you.   Try querying the subscription for the user by providing the subscription id.   Also, if you have multiple subscribers defined, we recommend adding the header X-Fitbit-Subscriber-Id with the subscription endpoints.  For example



X-fitbit-Subscriber-Id: 1

Gordon Crenshaw
Senior Technical Solutions Consultant
Fitbit Partner Engineering & Web API Support | Google
Best Answer

Hi @GordonFitbit - thanks for the reply but no luck I am afraid. The following still returns an empty result:


$subscriptionUrl = "".$fitbit_user_id."/activities/apiSubscriptions/1.json";
    $ch = curl_init();
    $options = array(
            CURLOPT_URL => $subscriptionUrl,
            CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => true,
            CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER => array(
                'Authorization: Bearer ' . $fitbit_token,
                'Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
                'X-fitbit-Subscriber-Id: 1'
    curl_setopt_array($ch, $options);
    $result = curl_exec($ch);
    error_log("Current Subscriptions" . $result);


This returns:

[Mon Nov 01 18:19:12.356310 2021] [php:notice] [pid 334459] [client] Current Subscriptions{}, referer:




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Hi @hikingchallenge 


I made a mistake.   Please remove the subscription id from the Get Subscription endpoint.  I see the status code 405 in our logs.   The syntax for the examples are incorrect.   I have verified that the correct Get Subscription List syntax is




I'd like you to try the following steps.


  1. Revoke the user's consent to your application - this can be done either 1 of 2 ways
    1. have the user log into, select the wheel icon, select settings.  On the left, choose "Applications".  Find your application and revoke consent
    2. your application call the revoke endpoint against the user's access token.
  2. Delete the subscriber in your registered application settings at
  3. Re-add the subscriber to your registered application settings and make certain to enable the default radio button.
  4. Have the user re-authorize consent and add the subscription.   Make certain to specify the subscriber id through the X-Fitbit-Subscriber-Id header.
  5. Call "Get Subscription List".  If you specify the collection when adding the subscription, make certain to do the same for Get Subscription List.


Let me know how this goes




Gordon Crenshaw
Senior Technical Solutions Consultant
Fitbit Partner Engineering & Web API Support | Google
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Hi @GordonFitbit , thanks for the response.


Embarrassingly, the issues I had were down to how I was handling api responses elsewhere. I have now got things working for the most part, and I can confirm that following your instructions in the previous answer helped tremendously.

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That's great news!

Gordon Crenshaw
Senior Technical Solutions Consultant
Fitbit Partner Engineering & Web API Support | Google
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