01-01-2024 03:35
01-01-2024 03:35
I've been using the get activity time series by date to pull back a years worth of data using a query like this:
"https://api.fitbit.com/1/user/-/activities/distance/date/2023 - 12 - 31/1y.json"
(I've had to add spaces to post)
which would retrive 365 entries from 01/01/2023 - 31/12/2023 (uk dates) as you'd expect.
Today however "https://api.fitbit.com/1/user/-/activities/distance/date/2024 - 12 - 31/1y.json" also returns 365 entries and therefore misses 01/01/2024 in the response.
Is there any plan to fix the 1y period?
01-02-2024 13:25
01-02-2024 13:25
Hi @DeanRS
Thank you for reporting the problem. Let me research this and report back to you this week.