07-07-2016 14:48 - edited 07-12-2016 10:01
07-07-2016 14:48 - edited 07-12-2016 10:01
I've been trying to get OAuth 2.0 working with the Async calls.. I finally got it to allow me to log in, however, when I try and do a call to get data from the Fibit.Api.Portable.. i'm getting the following error:
Searches related to Method System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1[Fitbit.Api.Portable.OAuth2.OAuth2AccessToken].AwaitUnsafeOnCompleted: type argument 'Microsoft.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter`1[System.String]' violates the constraint of type parameter 'TAwaiter'.
This is from this line of code:
System.Threading.Tasks.Task<Fitbit.Api.Portable.OAuth2.OAuth2AccessToken> accessToken = authenticator.ExchangeAuthCodeForAccessTokenAsync(code);
The code parameter is a string.. " b76ede61d0b5e357172d98c6137caf5fcad49415"
I'm not sure why this is happening. Has anyone else had this issue?
I'm trying to use the code in a .NET webforms project.
The Fitbit.Api.Portable can be found on GitHub.
any help with this would be great.