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Refresh token endpoint - Access Token always expires in 28800

Hi Support,


When asking for refreshing Access Token, it seems we always get a 28800 Access Token lifetime even asking for only 3600, like in the following request :


        url:        "",
        method:     "POST",
        headers: {  "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
             "Authorization": "Basic 111222333444555AAABBBCCCDDDEEEEXAMPLE"
        data:      'grant_type=refresh_token&expires_in=3600&refresh_token=refresh_token'
Am I wrong ?


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Hi @Chuil,


When using the Authorization Code Grant Flow, access tokens have a default lifetime of 28800 seconds (8 hours).


expires_in optional

Specify the desired access token lifetime. Defaults to 28800.

3600 for 1 hour
28800 for 8 hours
Type: integer




On a side note, 3600 is actually no longer supported. Our documentation is currently in the process of being revamped and will be removed in the future. 


I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any additional questions.

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