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Registering for the fitbit api for personal use only -- no website url etc

Hi there,


I'm trying to register for the Fitbit API to collect my personal health metrics. I am not building an application for use by anyone else. Therefore I do not have an Application Website URL, or other such URLs required by the application process.


How can I get credientials to use the Fitbit API for my personal use?



Best Answer

Hi @PhoebeMay,


Welcome to the forums!


Since you're planning to build an application for your own personal use, you could input dummy information into those fields. Alternatively, you can also use localhost (http://localhost/) for the URL fields.


However, if/when you begin asking other users to consent to share their data with your application, you'll then need to enter valid information for the URLs, Terms of Service, and Privacy Policy.


I hope this helps. Let me know if you have any additional questions.

Best Answer