04-03-2016 07:53
04-03-2016 07:53
Hi, Fitbit team. I am trying to add alarm on my devices.
But I got this error:
Error Domain=com.alamofire.error Code=-6003 "Response status code was unacceptable: 400" UserInfo={NSLocalizedFailureReason=Response status code was unacceptable: 400}
Any suggestion for this?
04-03-2016 09:09
04-03-2016 09:09
I just fixed the error 400 by removing encoding in .JSON when using Alamofire in iOS
However, I ran into another error, here is the response:
{\"errors\":[{\"errorType\":\"request\",\"fieldName\":\"500\",\"message\":\"An error occurred with the Fitbit API while processing the request. Please contact api@fitbit.com for assistance. Please reference error id: ADF537F4:B524_A92D900A:01BB_57013F58_EDC375BB:483E\"}],\"success\":false}")
just wondering what specific error does this id refer to?
I couldn't find any documents about error id on Fitbit's website.