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Subscription API multiple subscribers



We've added the subscription feature in our project wherein on login to fitbit through our application, we subscribe to user's update whenever a sync is made. This feature works fine. Next, we have two servers doing the same thing where one set of users who are using our server,we will subscribe for our users and the other server does the same for their users. Both servers are different and users are not the same . Now, I've added two subscribers to my account by giving two different endpoints and where only one is set default. I dont know what the default means. I assumed two servers would work their own but what i noticed is that unless i make my server default, i wont get the push from fitbit cloud to our servers, is that right?. I noticed that i subscribed for a user but when i sync the app , there is no update. but when i make my server default, i get the update. So, what is the use of having multiple subscribers? Could someone please help me with the same thanks 

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Hi @kouv 


When you add the subscription, you need to specify which subscriber should receive the  webhook notification.   If you do not specify the subscriber, we send the notification to the default subscriber.  More information is available at Creating a subscriber.



Gordon Crenshaw
Senior Technical Solutions Consultant
Fitbit Partner Engineering & Web API Support | Google
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