06-10-2021 23:48
06-10-2021 23:48
When you subscribe, you will receive information activity information that received active user information
Calling the API https://api.fitbit.com/1/user/[user-id]/activities/date/[date].json
Receive information in the form of {"activities": [], "goals": {}, "summary": {}}
What kind of activities do you have?
It seems that each activity has a different format. We also request a sample of each activity format.
For reference, the activities I found.
Bike, Bootcamp, Circuit Trainning, Elliptical, Golf, Hike, Interval Workout, Kickboxing
Martial Arts, Pilates, Run, Spinning, Stair Climber, Swim, Tennis, Treadmill, Walk, Weights
Workout, Yoga
06-11-2021 15:18
06-11-2021 15:18
Hi @healthcarechang,
Welcome to the forums!
I'm not quite sure I understand your question. Are you asking what type of activities you can subscribe to using the Subscriptions API? If so, this is not how the subscriptions API works. If you are subscribed to a user's "activity" resource, you'll be notified of when a user syncs new data (steps, calories, floors, distance, exercise) to their account. There is no way to choose what exercise or activity data you can subscribe to in particular. Your application will need to query the appropriate endpoints associated to that resource to determine what data was added/changed.
If you're asking what activities can be found in our database, you can call the Browse Activity endpoint to see a list of Fitbit activities in our database.
I hope this helps. Let me know if you have any additional questions.