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Unsubscribe from notifications with expired Access Token

Our service is getting notifications for users that have stopped using our app. Their access token has expired and we don't have a refresh token.


Can we force unsubscribe without using the users access token? Is there a service we can use, even a manual process that will allow us to stop getting notifications?

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We also need a way of doing this, as do many people looking back at the years of posts about this issue. 

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Just to expand, we have invalid refresh tokens in our system. We receive a number of callbacks from fitbit with these users that we cannot process. I understand that linking to an app should be a user action but I feel removal should be open to being performed by the app alone. 

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If the users have revoked consent in the past year, Fitbit automatically deletes the subscriptions your application created for that user.  There is nothing you should have to do but remove the appropriate user data from your systems based on your privacy policy and terms of service.   If you're still receiving subscription notifications from users who you believe has revoked consent, please submit a support request at so we can investigate further.

Gordon Crenshaw
Senior Technical Solutions Consultant
Fitbit Partner Engineering & Web API Support | Google
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@Gordon-C Thanks for the response, I don't think the user has revoked consent. I don't know why we have invalid refresh tokens but I do know that we have 72 of them and that we can not respond or self heal from this situation. I'll try to contact support but in my opinion consent is a 2 way street and I as the 3rd party app should be able to revoke consent too.

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Just an update, Support never replied (Case #00002255) 

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Did you ever get an answer here? I'm having the same issue.

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Hi Gordon,

Still looking for this functionality, has it been implemented?

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