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getting error in authentication


hi an issue when i run this link 

it getting all permission page allow after allowing its redirect to localhost page not getting code 

in localhost getting error 

    "errors": [
            "errorType": "invalid_grant",
            "message": "Authorization code invalid: 862ca91d7ed8b9b75142ae584899d69cb50bbe09 Visit for more information on the Fitbit Web API authorization process."
    "success": false
}  how to resolve this issue let me know give me steps for this issue 



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Hi @phenil,

Are you exchanging the authorization code within 10 minutes of obtaining it? Auth codes have a default active duration of only 10 minutes and can only be used once. If you've attempted to use the code after 10 minutes or attempted to use it more than once, you may encounter the error you are reporting.

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Hi @phenil,

Are you exchanging the authorization code within 10 minutes of obtaining it? Auth codes have a default active duration of only 10 minutes and can only be used once. If you've attempted to use the code after 10 minutes or attempted to use it more than once, you may encounter the error you are reporting.

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 public function redirectToFitbit()
        $query = http_build_query([
            'client_id' => '23RYH8',
            'redirect_uri' => '',
            'response_type' => 'code',
            'scope' => 'activity heartrate location profile ' . // Add additional scopes here
                'nutrition weight sleep social settings',
            // Generate a unique code
        $code = uniqid();

        // Store the code in the session
        session(['fitbit_auth_code' => $code]);

        return redirect('' . $query);

    public function handleFitbitCallback(Request $request)

        $code = session('fitbit_auth_code');

        // $code = $request->query('code'); // Retrieve the 'code' parameter from the query string
        // Prepare the form data
        $formData = [
            'code' => $code, // Use the 'code' parameter retrieved from the request
            'grant_type' => 'authorization_code',
            'redirect_uri' => ''

        $response = Http::withHeaders([
            'Authorization' => 'Basic MjNSWUg4OjRiNGFiOTZhZDI4ZmZhMjg0M2M2OWZiN2MzNTEzZmRi',
            'Content-Type' => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
        ])->asForm()->post('', $formData);

        // Check if the response is successful and contains the access token
        if ($response->successful() && $response->json() && array_key_exists('access_token', $response->json())) {
            $accessToken = $response->json()['access_token'];

            // Redirect to dashboard with access token as query parameter
            return redirect('/fitbit/dashboard?access_token=' . $accessToken);
        } else {
            // Log an error or handle the absence of access token as needed
            Log::error('Access token not found in Fitbit API response.');
            // You may also want to redirect with an error message
            return redirect('/fitbit/dashboard')->with('error', 'Access token not found. Please try again later.');
    } i am sending this but in the function 
handleFitbitCallback the code is getting null how can i pass this code i am getting url this way i am getting code how to pass this code let me know you have any idea about this 
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