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init_oauth2 end point fail in R using httr



I'm trying to get access to my time series data on my Charge HR. The R-script below seems to be working in that the authentication works. Call back URI and authentication URI in the app are set to http://localhost:1410/.


However, after I authenticate I get this error:


Waiting for authentication in browser...
Press Esc/Ctrl + C to abort
Authentication complete.
Error in init_oauth2.0(self$endpoint, self$app, scope = self$params$scope, :
Bad Request (HTTP 400).


Any ideas what could be causing this?



# 1. Set up credentials
fitbit_endpoint <- oauth_endpoint(
  request = "",
  authorize = "http://localhost:1410/",
  access = "")
myapp <- oauth_app(
  appname = "data_access",
  key = "MYUSER", 
  secret = "MYSECRET")

# 2. Get OAuth 
# See
scope <- c("activities")
           #,"activity", "heartrate", "nutrition", "weight")  
fitbit_token <- oauth2.0_token(fitbit_endpoint, myapp,
                               scope = scope, use_basic_auth = TRUE)

# 3. Make API requests
resp <- GET(url = "GET /1/user/[username]/activities/tracker/date/2016-01-01/today.json", 
            config(token = fitbit_token))


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Any one?

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I got a little bit further on my path by passing some endpoint_parameters to the oauth2.0token


fitbit_endpoint <- oauth_endpoint(
  request = "",
  authorize = host, #http://localhost:1410/
  access = "")
myapp <- oauth_app(
  appname = "data_access",
  key = client, 
  secret = token)

# 2. Get OAuth token
scope <- c("activity")  # See
fitbit_token <- oauth2.0_token(fitbit_endpoint, myapp,
                               scope = scope, use_basic_auth = TRUE,
                               user_params = fitbit_endpoint)

# 3. Make API requests
resp <- GET(url = "", 
            config(token = fitbit_token))

Unfortunately, when I do content on 'resp' I get this error:


[1] "invalid_client"

[1] "Invalid authorization header format. Visit for more information on the Fitbit Web API authorization process."

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I've also got to this point - did you get any further?

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I'm stuck in this part. 

fitbit_endpoint <- oauth_endpoint(
  request = "",
  authorize = "http://localhost:1410",
  access = "")

myapp <- oauth_app(
  appname = "app",
  key = "key", #my consumer key
  secret = "secret")

# 2. Get OAuth token
scope <- c("activity")  # See
fitbit_token <- oauth2.0_token(fitbit_endpoint, myapp,
                               scope = scope, use_basic_auth = TRUE)
# 3. Make API requests
resp <- GET(url = "", 
            config(token = fitbit_token))

And I get this: 


Waiting for authentication in browser...
Press Esc/Ctrl + C to abort
Authentication complete.
Error in init_oauth2.0(self$endpoint, self$app, scope = self$params$scope, :
Bad Request (HTTP 400).
In addition: Warning message:
In strsplit(rawToChar(raw), "\r?\n") :
input string 1 is invalid in this locale

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For those that find the same forum postings when looking for a solution to import fitbit data into R, the R-package "fitbitr" ( works for me.


One additional hint; when defining your application in the fitbit api, set the oauth2 application type to 'server'.

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I've tried the teramonagi/fitbitr as well as the Avsecz/fitbitr. Both times I'm getting and error. Can't figure out what's up.

Error in oauth2.0_access_token(endpoint, app, code = code, user_params = user_params, :
Unauthorized (HTTP 401). Failed to get an access token.

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Same here.. used to work beginning of this year, maybe there has been some update somewhere?


Not really helpful, but would love a post here with a solution 🙂

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@zjuul please try to use this page:

See if you will be able to get access token and make requests using curl.


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That worked.. but not in my script.. 🙂


Dug a bit deeper, and via this URL - found that upgrading my libs might get it working.

After doing that AND after creating a new fitbit application (new app name + keys) I got it working.

Thanks all.

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