04-06-2015 11:05
04-06-2015 11:05
Although the Fitbit status page is not reflecting this. We have encountered a lot of 503 errors during this weekend. Can anyone from Fitbit confirm and investigate these?
Http Status Code: ServiceUnavailable
Http Content: 503 Service Unavailable
04-06-2015 14:11
04-06-2015 14:11
The status site has been updated.
04-10-2015 16:11
04-10-2015 16:11
503 Service Unavailable. It went down a few minutes ago.
It is 6:10 p.m.
04-10-2015 16:17
04-10-2015 16:17
I'm in Michigan, it's 7:16 pm on 4/10. 503 Service Unavailable. Similar issues several times over the past few days. Sup? Fitbit?