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Exercise not being recorded on Fitbit app

My Fitbit app is no longer recording any exercise. For example this morning I went for a walk and started my versa 3 with gps to record the exercise.  It is showing on my versa 3 but will not show on the app. Likewise I did a treadmill session at lunchtime, started my versa 3 and it recorded the session but won’t show on the app.  
I’m on an iPhone 12 running iOS 17.6.1

fitbit app version 4.24

I have so far done the following:

updated the app and moved over to google
force closed the app and restarted 

turned my phone off and on 

restarted my versa 3. 
None of this has helped so now my versa 3 is pretty useless. 
I was looking to upgrade to a versa 4 but not if this continues. 
How do I get my exercise logs back please? 

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160 REPLIES 160

I am having a similar issue.

The app is no longer showing all of my exercises, both when I activate it on my Fitbit when I begin and end and when I add an exercise that I forgot to activate. This just started today. Prior to today, the app correctly showed my exercises.

This morning, in addition to not registering my 30 minutes for spinning that I activated when I started and stopped, it did not correctly register a 56-minute exercise class I took by activating and ending it. Instead, the app is showing that I “walked” for 24 minutes. The graph for this so-called 24 minutes shows my heart rate zone in the peak and moderate ranges, but the information for time in zones shows 100% in the light zone.

In addition, I looked back at the last few days and weeks, and many of the exercises that had shown in the app prior to today have now disappeared. The only thing that is registering, assuming it’s correct, is my steps. I deleted the app and reinstalled it, hoping that would fix it, but it did not.

One by one, Fitbit is losing its functionality and usefulness: the reduced functionality in the dashboard, the inability to get a monthly report on sleep, activity, etc. that’s usable, and now the lack of exercise tracking. Pretty soon the only thing it will be good for is to tell me what time it is!

My app is up to date according to the App Store (Version 4.24).

Edited to add that my signature shows I’m using an Android app, which became outdated a few months ago. I am now using the iOS app on my iPad.

Charge 2 | Android Galaxy S24 | iOS App on iPad
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Some of my exercise from last week hasn’t recorded either but it’s still recording steps and zone minutes. 
Seems to be an ongoing problem with fitbits in general. I’d like to buy another but I’m getting put off. 

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Most of my exercises have disappeared except for a few walks. It seems that anything that I tracked with my Charge 6 and GPS is gone and is not recording on the app. That includes a hike that I did yesterday. I was using 4.24 and just upgraded to 4.25 but still no luck syncing the hike from my watch to the app.

Iphone 15 pro iOS 17.6.1, Fitbit app 4.24, and now 4.25.

Thank you,

Best Answer

My steps and distance are now wrong on the app too. Frustrating. I’ve tried everything including factory reset. 

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My exercises have magically reappeared. I updated the app again this morning to the latest version (4.25), but nothing changed, even after forcing a sync. The exercises I did this morning also didn’t show up. I just checked again this afternoon, and all have reappeared.

Charge 2 | Android Galaxy S24 | iOS App on iPad
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I’ve just updated the app and it’s still showing the incorrect steps and no exercise. 
I’ll check again later. Fingers crossed! 

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…and this morning, my exercises have disappeared again.

Charge 2 | Android Galaxy S24 | iOS App on iPad
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I’ve had this issue since updating to the latest iOS on my iPhone 12, despite having the latest version of the Fitbit app. I’ve had three 1600m swims these last three mornings and according to the app (not the watch, on which I start and end the activity manually) the longest one was 25m and the shortest 5m(!!), the issue seems to be retrospective, altering my previous weeks’ distances too. Yes, I can manually edit it (and have), but that’s hardly utilising the technology.

I was disappointed when the previous update to the app rounded-off my times to the nearest minute, but this is just inexcusable - come on Fitbit get your act together and issue a fix quickly (hopefully one that corrects existing distances) otherwise it’s an Apple Watch for me next time.

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Just noticed that Fitbit have released an update (4.24) and my iPhone has automatically downloaded it today from the App Store. Here’s hoping that the bug has been fixed with this latest version.

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I’ve updated to 4.24 and no difference at all sadly. 

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Same for me, all of a sudden exercise is not being tracked, have restarted the charge 5, and reinstalled the app

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I’m getting this exact issue with my Charge 6 (only 6 months old). Tried everything but nothing fixes it.

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Exercises are still not showing up in the app. Currently shows three exercise days for last week when it should show seven, and even those three don’t reflect all the exercise sessions I had on those three days. Wondering what my weekly report will show when it is emailed Monday night. Out of curiosity, I looked at my recent weekly reports that are emailed to me. I hadn’t noticed, but the tile showing exercise days no longer shows up. I looked back, and that tile last showed up in my weekly report for the week ending July 7.

Charge 2 | Android Galaxy S24 | iOS App on iPad
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I am having the same problem as everyone has mentioned: the Fitbit app stopped tracking exercise—either those manually started or those recognized automatically. I spoke with customer service twice last week. They had me do a bunch of stuff (like all the things mentioned in other posts), but no joy. They said they were escalating the problem and will get back to me. We’ll see. My Charge 6 tracks everything just fine, so it’s not the device, and the app syncs sleep, steps, active zone minutes, basically everything BUT exercise. It’s verrrry frustrating. Charge 6 was bought in June after Charge 5 died. Have iPhone SE second generation. All apps updated to latest software. Need Fitbit to fix this NOW…for all of us. The app glitch is unacceptable for a company like Google. 

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My app is not accepting manual input. I put all the data and all disappears. I had to add manually because my sense rebooted twice during the exercise. IOS and app updated. iPhone rebooted 

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I am also facing similar issue  with new charge 6 and ios app . Device all recording bbutt app is not updating exercises. Is there ay solution from fitbit replied ?

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I don’t know if it will help, but I posted this issue to @FitbitSupport on At least it might get more visibility there, which could lead to quicker resolution. Fingers crossed. 

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Thank you Taylor

Fabiano Madeira
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I keep all my Fitbit weekly report emails and I just checked mine as well. Yes, it ended July 7. What the heck? I've been commenting or trying to get Fitbit support to respond on Twitter/X. 

I did see something of interest (copied and pasted) from another Fitbit user:

Only after resetting my watch and changing settings w/

Fitbit support am I finally told, "Actually it's not just you; it's everyone, please wait until Sep 10." Wait, you lost EVERYONE's exercise data? Isn't exercise your main job? And why does it take a week to fix?
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