04-28-2020 14:19
04-28-2020 14:19
Please help! My baby has locked my Fitbit. It’s telling me to unlock through my phone but I can’t seem to find where I can do that
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04-29-2020 00:34
04-29-2020 00:34
01-26-2021 03:15
01-26-2021 03:15
I would like to leave a comment on the rescue of blocked devices for the future. In general, there are unlocking functions if you bring the phone to Fitbit, but it is usually not active. So, go to the "Profile" tab and then select the Fitbit name. We find the item "Screen unlock". Go to the "Set up screen unlock" menu. If you have not previously installed a lock on your smartphone, you will have to turn it on. Next, in the application to the device, go to the "Set up Bluetooth blocking" menu. We touch the touch button of the bracelet and confirm this unlocking method by clicking "Ok" in the menu. Now, to unlock the smartphone, just bring the fitness bracelet to it. The same can be done with Safe Baby Monitor, Xiaomi gadgets and other brands, the main thing is to have a function in the phone if it was somehow connected with the device.