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For many months now I’ve noticed that the weight on the Summary screen is consistently showing 0.1 pound less than on the Weight screen. E.g. my last entry was 11 stones 8.4 pounds. This shows correctly on the Weight screen but it shows as 11 stones 8.3 pounds on the Summary screen.
I keep thinking this will be corrected in future updates but so far in vain.
Moderator edit: updated subject for clarity
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Hi @Cauchy. Welcome to the Community!
Thanks for sharing detailed information about what's displayed in the Fitbit app. I understand how important is to track accurate data in your account and let's work on this together. I'm wondering if the same discrepancy is displayed on your fitbit.com dashboard. Also, are you manually logging your weight or are you using a Fitbit scale?
Assuming the Fitbit app is updated, please try force quitting the Fitbit app, reboot your phone and log one more time your weight. If the weight on the Summary is still different than the one showing on the Weight screen, please take screenshots and attach them in your reply.
02-10-2020 14:58
02-10-2020 14:58
Thanks for looking into this.
I have logged two issues and already restarted the app and rebooting the phone for the other issue. This weight issue remains.
Attached are example screen shots:
I enter weight manually.
If I log on to Fitbit on my PC it just displays weight in stones and whole pounds (no decimal) so that doesn’t help with the diagnosis I’m afraid (and should probably be investigated as a separate issue since I believe it should show the decimal).
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Hi @Cauchy. It's nice to see you here and I'm sorry for the delayed response.
Thanks for getting back with the screenshot and more details about this matter. You also did a good job with the suggested steps posted above. I know how helpful and encouraging it's to get accurate data to track your progress. I've gone ahead and shared your post to our team so they can further investigate. Please know that Fitbit always works to improve our services based on the feedback shared in the forums.
07-22-2020 06:46
07-22-2020 06:46
It’s been over 5 months since I reported this issue. Although it’s not critical, I would have expected it to be an easy fix, but even after several app updates the Summary screen still isn’t showing the weight correctly. Has this been acknowledged as a bug and is it on a list of fixes to be addressed?
07-23-2020 07:16
07-23-2020 07:16
I have the same issue and have absolutely no idea how to change the unit of measurement... I too would greatly appreciate this being resolved!
07-23-2020 07:33
07-23-2020 07:33
Omg! I just figured it out.
it is under advanced settings- you can change the unit of measurement from stone to pounds. It will show the stone weight until you enter a new weight again but that fixed mine just now!! 😊best of luck.
07-23-2020 10:34
07-23-2020 10:34
Hi TheKandiDaniel
Glad you have found a fix for your issue, but this is not the issue I have reported. When the Unit is Stones, weight is entered as x Stones y.d lbs, which is fine, but the Summary screen then shows it as x Stones y.d-1 lbs. E.g. an entered weight of 11 Stones 5.8lbs is displayed as 11 Stones 5.7 lbs, 11 Stones 6.0 lbs is displayed as 11 Stones 5.9 lbs, and so on.
08-14-2020 03:06
08-14-2020 03:06
Did you ever get a fix for this it’s so annoying mines is the exact same I’ve lost 11 pounds but it shows as 10.9 on the front app screen
08-14-2020 03:56
08-14-2020 03:56
Hi VikkyW,
No-one has ever replied to say it’s been fixed. However, about a week ago I noticed that my weight is now displaying correctly on the Summary screen. So it seems to be alright for me now.
My last app update (on iOS) was on 6 August and I’m now on version 3.27, so maybe it was fixed in that release. Hopefully it will be for you too shortly.
08-20-2020 02:38
08-20-2020 02:38
I need to revise my last post. The weight at the time was showing correctly on the Summary screen, but I have since entered a new weight and that is showing 0.1 lb less on the Summary screen again.
So it is, unfortunately, not fixed as I assumed the other day. 😞
Come on Fitbit, this surely must be easy to fix!
07-21-2021 03:46
07-21-2021 03:46
Hi same for me. I enter weight in stones and pounds to nearest pound on the app. eg 14 stone 3. on the app it shows as 14-3. I have been logging this for a few weeks and looks fine. But on dashboard on the pc is shows as -0.1lbs less. so 14 2.9.
There is one day where it does show a round number of pounds, perhaps i entered on the dashboard rather than in the app?
I don't understand why.