04-20-2016 05:36
04-20-2016 05:36
Ever since I had to replace my Charge HR in Feb mobilerun crashes. I have searched this forum and not found anything recent to explain why this is occuring. I have verified all the various steps that I've found and the settings on my iphone 6 are all set the way they're supposed to be set. I'm running version 2.21.1 on the fitbit app and my tracker is showing version V122. iphone is running IOS 9.3.1. The app crashes every morning when running in the excercise mode. Sometimes it allows me to restart and it keeps going until it crashes again. Once or twice I've gotten the option to send in an error report and occassionally it crashes completely out of the fitbit app back to the main screen on my hone. Yesterday I called the help center and was first told that mobileapp was a third party app and not a fitbit app that I just needed to uninstall and reinstall it. He obviously didn't understand that it was ll part of the fitbit app. Then he tried to tell me that the only way the mobilerun app would work is if I left my tracker off when I used it. Obviously defeating the purpose of using hte app in the first place. I'm sure it's just a stupid setting on my iphone but I can't find it in these forums. Prior to replacing my HR in Feb I had no problems whatsoever. The help support also told me that there was no data in the system prior to installing my new HR in Feb even though I have data going back to June. I have the trouble ticket number if that helps anyone 10177152. Please help - this is do frustrating.
04-20-2016 09:04
04-20-2016 09:04
Moved this thread from the Charge HR to the iOS App section since being a app related issue and increases the chance of getting a solution.
04-30-2016 07:21
04-30-2016 07:21
I have the same problem that mobilerun crashes almost every time I use it. Could it be because it loses GPS signal? I am usually trail running when I use it. For now I've given up on it.
05-17-2016 13:11
05-17-2016 13:11
Welcome to the Fitbit Community @Jennrod12 @10KhereIcome , hope you guys are doing great! If you haven't already, I would recommend:
1. Rebooting your iOS device.
2. Log out of the Fitbit app and then log back in.
3. Open your iOS settings > scroll down and click on the Fitbit App > make sure that you have cell data and background app refresh turned on > make sure that location is either set to "while using" or "always".
Thanks for your help @SunsetRunner!
Keep me posted if this helps you guys out!
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