10-12-2019 05:56
10-12-2019 05:56
Surely Fitbit should allows us to choose considering they even show the old dash board on the BRAND NEW Versa 2 page on the website? Seems like the sales team even know it looks better? It definitely rubs salt in the wounds seeing the beautiful old dash board when shopping for a new Fitbit! If they thought this new update was so amazing why wouldn’t it be the one they show on their website pages selling new Fitbit?! How do we start a petition?
10-12-2019 14:51
10-12-2019 14:51
Hello and welcome to the Fitbit Community @Siidc
It appears that your not a big fan of the new Dashboard. I can tell you that there are no plans to revert it back. Hopefully in time you will get used to the layout and maybe even enjoy it. If there are things that you feel need changing feel free to visit the Fitbit Feature Suggestion Forum and voice your ideas. You can find this forum here: https://community.fitbit.com/t5/Feature-Suggestions/idb-p/features
😃 I know this is most likely not the resolution you were hoping for but I do hope I have provided you the best answer in pointing you in the right direction.