02-13-2024 01:23
02-13-2024 01:23
Since start of year, my app has only provided a simplified sleep analysis on 15 occasions, 4 in the last 8 days. Not consistent- very frustrating.
02-13-2024 09:37
02-13-2024 09:37
@GeoffB13 , A warm welcome to the Community! Thank you for your message.
The following conditions can prevent sleep phase recording:
- You record your sleep using the app instead of the tracker's automatic sleep detection.
- The tracker's battery is almost empty when you go to bed (below 25%). This prevents the pulse from being recorded regularly.
- You use the metal bracelet while sleeping
- You sleep less than 3 hours.
- The bracelet is too loose or too tight on the wrist. You should be able to put your index finger between the bracelet and your arm without much resistance so that your pulse is recorded regularly and sleep phases can be recognized.
JuanFitbit | Community Moderator, Fitbit. Hat dir mein Beitrag geholfen dann markier ihn als Lösung und gib mir Kudos !! Habt ihr Tipps um fitter zu werden? Lifestyle Discussion forum.
02-19-2024 02:14
02-19-2024 02:14
My tracker battery was less than 25% (23%) and the strap was possibly too tight so I charged it up fully and loosened the strap. The next three nights there was only simple analysis then two with full analysis and the last two have again only given simple analysis. My tracker is a Charge 4 - is it just old?
02-19-2024 08:37
02-19-2024 08:37
Hey @GeoffB13
I also have a Charge4 and it always records detailed sleep analysis if sleep duration is ≥ 3 hours, even if the battery level is low (e.g. <15%). That being said, I suspect the problem is the health of your Charge4. I had the same issue with one of my previous Charge trackers.
02-19-2024 09:35
02-19-2024 09:35
@mcw53 , Nice to see you around. Thank you for sharing your experience and insights.
@GeoffB13 , Thank you for your reply. the first 3 nights with the simplified record, could be that the Charge 4 was measuring your benchmark, so that it recognized the stages better. The next nights with the sleep stages show that the Charge 4 is still measuring/recognizing the sleep stages
The last 2 nights with the simplified view could be related to something else.
During the sleep try wearing the Charge 4 so that the heart rate sensors touch the lower part of your wrist.
Here is easier to register the heart rate for the stages to be recognized. During the day you could wear the tracker as usual.
JuanFitbit | Community Moderator, Fitbit. Hat dir mein Beitrag geholfen dann markier ihn als Lösung und gib mir Kudos !! Habt ihr Tipps um fitter zu werden? Lifestyle Discussion forum.
02-21-2024 05:49
02-21-2024 05:49
I’m also getting simplified for the last several days. I’ve charged it up (it was ever below 40%) and adjusted the bracelet.
02-26-2024 06:31
02-26-2024 06:31
I have checked all these things. It’s been over a week now.
02-26-2024 11:02
02-26-2024 11:02
@Mthel , A warm welcome to the Community! Thank you for your message and efforts.
Have you tried wearing the Fitbit so that the heart rate sensors touch the lower part of your wrist?
Here is easier to register the heart rate for the stages to be recognized. During the day you could wear the tracker as usual.
JuanFitbit | Community Moderator, Fitbit. Hat dir mein Beitrag geholfen dann markier ihn als Lösung und gib mir Kudos !! Habt ihr Tipps um fitter zu werden? Lifestyle Discussion forum.