10-17-2019 05:50
10-17-2019 05:50
After the last update the weight display is 1 count below the weight entered. For example in UK stones and pounds if 12s 11lbs is entered 12s 10lbs is displayed. The weight difference calculation of actual to target weigh is correct to the entered weight.
10-18-2019 17:17
10-18-2019 17:17
Hi @Dsephoto. It's nice to see a new face around the Community.
Thanks for sharing detailed information of what is displayed on the Fitbit app. This is unusual as the same information logged should be shown on the weight tile. I've reported this to our team and they're currently investigating this situation. Once I have more details, I'll update this thread. In the meantime, make sure to keep the Fitbit app up-to-date so the rest of the features can continue working.
Hope to see you around!
08-19-2020 00:51
08-19-2020 00:51
This is still happening with me- can it be fixed?
08-19-2020 01:05
08-19-2020 01:05
With the number of updates to the app since my original post you would have thought they could have sorted it out by now.
09-28-2020 18:41
09-28-2020 18:41
I have the same issue only in US measurements.
For example, today I entered my weight as 210.0 pounds and a goal weight of 200 pounds. On the Fitbit website my weight shows 210.0 pounds.
However, on the Today screen (app home page) is shows 209.9 pounds with 9.9lbs to lose. If I tap it to view the Weight Goal progress it shows 0.1lbs lost since 9/28 and 9.9lbs to go even though I just updated both my weight and goal and refreshed.
This has been happening for months.
09-28-2020 18:51
09-28-2020 18:51
While poking around more I found that the Profile setting on the website showed my current weight as 209.9lbs. Not sure why the descrepancy, but when I entered 210 there and refreshed on my phone if shows the correct weight on the Today / Home screen again. I even entered my weight (using the + button) like I usually do and it still kept my weight. If it holds tomorrow when I (hopefully) drop a bit that'll be telling if this is the fix. Hoping it is but in the meanwhile here's the page to update weight to see if it works for you:
09-29-2020 00:04
09-29-2020 00:04
09-29-2020 05:45
09-29-2020 05:45
Same here. It worked last night (9/28/20) when I reset everywhere and refreshed. Today (9/29/20), I weighed myself and found I had dropped from 210lbs to 207.6lbs (yay!). Tapped the + button on the Home page and entered my new weight of 207.6lbs on the Log Weight page.
Returned to the Home page. Upon refresh it shows in the weight section: 2.3 lbs lost (should be 2.4 lbs) and 7.5 lbs to lose (should be 2.6 lbs).
If I tap the weight + button again on the Home page it still shows the correct weight of 207.6 lbs that I entered.
If I tab the weight bar (not the +) on the Home page it also shows correct Goal Progress of 2.4 lbs lost since 9/28. It also correctly shows 7.6 lbs to go to meet your goal.
Clearly the issue is a bug on the Home page. It consistently displays incorrect goal progress (off by .1 lbs) and weight (off by .1 lbs), at least after entering a new weight via the + button and using the Log Weight button.
For the developers I am using the most recent update (Sep 14, 2020) with Fitbit Premium and a Charge 4 device.