01-06-2018 19:21
01-06-2018 19:21
I've had my Alta HR for about 4 months and recently the resting heart rate on my iPhone fitbit app has stopped displaying. I have updated my phone, uninstalled and reinstalled the fitbit app, restarted my fitbit, changed the heart rate setting from auto to on and it is still displaying as two lines and a static number that isn't changing in the iPhone app.. I see the correct display on the fitbit device and I can see it when I log in to my fitbit dashboard. Everything else seems to be syncing and displaying without a problem. My band is not too tight and my arm is not sweaty. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
01-06-2018 20:23
01-06-2018 20:23
That sounds like N-O heart rate showing not the resting heart rate. The two lines mean no heart rate and the static number is the last calculated resting heart rate.
Does your Alta Hr display a changing heart rate?
If so, your iPhone app appears to be manifesting an issue that I only had heard the Android app had an issue with, no display heart rate in the app when the device did.
If your device does not display your heart rate or even if it does, you said you restarted your device. It appears from what I have seen on the boards in my short time here, that you need to perform the restart sequence three times in a row before taking it off the charger. Why I don't know, as it seems a little bit weird, but even some Fitbit employees recommend the three time rule.
Good luck and welcome to the boards.
01-07-2018 16:15
01-07-2018 16:15
01-07-2018 17:50
01-07-2018 17:50
Didn't think we would be going here but this is what I have been doing when it seems like the app does most of what I expect but just not all. Which seems like your app is doing.
In layman's term it is called a "force quit".
If the restart of the device and the force quit of the app don't work, then about the only thing left is to uninstall the app, reinstall and start the device to app relationship over. I have never had to do that before, but it is my understanding it is not as involved as the first time, as the device is still attached to your account and I "think" when you login to the app it will figure things out. I would recommend doing a little research on the boards before doing that.
After that, I'm sorry, but I'm pretty much out of ideas. Which saddens me somewhat. If you take a look at the rankings on the main page of this board, I take this community support thing pretty serious.
Good luck.
01-14-2018 13:51
01-14-2018 13:51
Thanks. Restarting the app did not work either. I’ve uninstalled and reinstalled the app with no success. I have not un-paired the device from app because I was worried it would lose my data. I’ll read up on that before I do it. Everything is working but the resting heart rate on the app. Crazy.
01-14-2018 16:48
01-14-2018 16:48
I should have done this before - what the image below shows is that my Alta HR is not sending my currently heart rate to my iOS app. It does show my latest calculated resting heart rate of 69, but no real time heart rate information.
Is that what you are seeing, or are you seeing this:
The second image does not show my resting heart rate because it replaces that portion of the tile with what heart rate zone I am in; either "Fat burn", "Cardio" or "Peak".
But now - if I can get my heart rate below fat burn, or less than 50% of my 155 bpm max heart rate (I'm 65 years old)
ooooommmmm 😉
I get both - real time heart rate and latest calculated resting heart rate.
Are we getting closer?
01-14-2018 16:56
01-14-2018 16:56
I see the first image.
01-14-2018 21:00
01-14-2018 21:00
Ok. That tells me that the device is not sending the realtime heart rate to your app, or the app isn't accepting it.
And after typing a bunch of stuff, I re-read your original post where you said you checked the settings, reset the device, re-installed the app, etc.
You also said you updated the phone. There is a post somewhere here on the boards where the latest version of iOS is messing with the heart rate display and I actually posted that I would have to wait on the iOS update until it was resolved.
Google is my friend.
The topic where the missing heart rate was associated with iOS 11.1.2 is here and there is a "possible" fix which incorporates clearing cache on the phone. And if you think that is weird, I suspect the app is making web calls to the Fitbit API servers, which then connect to the data servers. I code a lot of similar stuff as part of my job, so it isn't a big surprise.
I sure hope this helps you. With me having an ICD implant, I don't want to not have the heart rate display so I have been delaying the iOS update.
Good luck.
01-15-2018 08:53
01-15-2018 08:53