Community group for chronic pain/illness

There should be a Community Group for people with chronic pain/illness, since these people face unique challenges regarding getting & staying fit and active.

First Steps


First Steps

Yes, there has been so much talk about this on the injuries group! The only place we have to go currently. We need to make this happen! Chronic illness is unique with its challenges. It should have it' own community where we can be uplift and encourage one another yet still understand there are and always will be limitations to what we are capable of doing. 

First Steps


First Steps

I would love this! It is so hard when you are by yourself having a group who understands would be amazing!!!!

First Steps

Yes please! For those of us who struggle on the daily, whose fitness is very personal and relative. 

First Steps

What a brilliant thing this would be!

First Steps



First Steps

Yes please. I’m sure I’m only one of many thousands of Fitbit users who battle chronic disease and disorders. A community where we can encourage each other would be a great asset. Thank you. 

First Steps

Yes, please!

Recovery Runner

Totally agree bc we can’t keep up with those ininjuries,  walking, and hiking and it’s a mood killer! They have groups for diabetics for Pete’s sake- how is there not one for chronic illnesses?!

First Steps

Completely agree! 

I’ve been looking for a group like this on Fitbit, hopefully if will be implemented soon. What a great place it would be for those of us who deal with chronic pain and illness. A needed place for support and motivation.

First Steps

Yes!!!!!! This would be absolutely amazing!!!!

Base Runner

Please add a group for those of us who have chronic pain & illnesses. Altho I belong to the group "Injuries" & I've received lots of support, camaraderie, strength & made friends, it's not the same. Technically I belong in both groups. I can tell you that suffering from chronic pain, illnesses, fatigue, mental fog, etc are very different from an injury that you can heal from & return to your normal life. Chronic pain/illness sufferers try to find any glimmer of hope, info, suggestions, new meds & support from others who truly understand what we're going thru! We'll never heal, be cured & in many cases will get worse. But, we continue to try to live our lives as "normally" as possible!! This group would provide a much needed support system that would not only help us continue to use our Fitbits to stay as strong as we're able to healthwise, but it would also give us a connection with our hearts & minds, which is just as important to keep us strong! Together we'll be stronger, PLEASE help us & give us this group!!!

     Thank you  🙂 

First Steps

We need this kind of group.  People who understand that sometimes 2,000 steps in a day is a major achievement.  It can be demoralizing to share in a group where folks are hitting 20,000 steps, especially if you used to be that other person...climbing all the hills, shouting from the mountain tops.  We need a group where we can support and encourage each other.

First Steps

A chronic pain group would be great I have Fibromyalgia and would love to connect with others who try to manage pain and exercise.

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Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

That’s an interesting idea and could be useful for these people and also for inspiration for others. Thanks for sharing this suggestion.

First Steps

Yes yes yes! I've come across so many ppl who would find so much support and motivation in a group like this. We face different challeges than those with acute injuries. We need this group! 


There should be a Community Group for people with chronic pain/illness, since these people face unique challenges regarding getting & staying fit and active.


First Steps

I agree. I suffer from a chronic lung condition. I vote YES!!!

Not applicable

There needs to be a place for us! Most days, our activity can only be measured in minutes not 250 steps minimum per hour. We don’t have the same issues as sufferers of acute pain from injury and we’re generally dealing with payback from doing very little and 250 steps may as well be 2500! Small achievements can make a world of difference and we need a place to share and celebrate those with people who really understand. Too often, people with chronic pain and/or illnesses are isolated from and misjudged by the wider community. Please don’t continue to make the same mistake. Give us a place to belong 😉

First Steps

I would love to have a group for all of us with chronic pain! I have fibomyalgia,  myofascial pain syndrome , arthritis plus more but it would be great to hear about how others have over come, what has worked for them and what I might still try! 

First Steps

Yes, it would be good to have a separate Chronic Pain Community from the Injuries Community. Injuries can lead to chronic pain but they can also be recovered from. Chronic pain is not going away, and the techniques used to deal with it can be very different from recovering from an injury.

It can also be discouraging for individuals with chronic pain to see all the recovering from injuries stories.

Status changed to: Reviewed By Moderator
Premium User
Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

Hi @MommieWee2015 and commenters, as Santi said, this is an interest idea and I think it could be really helpful. I just wanted to flag this other feature suggestion to you around creating custom groups in the app, which is under consideration and may allow you to create this group in the future. Thanks

First Steps

Please tell me FIT BIT HEARS US! We are desperate for a group to call home. Im so tired of watching people tell individuals who can only get 2000 steps a day that if they keep trying they will be able to get 20k! This defeats the entire purpose of the fitbit experience! Please make this a priority. Chronically ill individuals many times live with invisible ailments, it means so much that we are seen by the health community!


Moderator Edit: Formatting

First Steps
Amen I hear that! My back is fused and I have Fibromyalgia I love my Fitbit and link it with my carb management app as I work really hard to lose weight I gained prior to a heat surgery last year! I’m always pumped when I can get in
10, 000 steps but it doesn’t happen every day. I want the new Fitbit so I can track my water aerobics that’s my best exercise. Chronic Pain is the pits!!! But I have found regular exercising does help, we need a group to root each other on even if it is only 2,000 steps one day! Cuz some days are a big fat zero when the pain takes over!

Sent from my iPhone, Faith Albertson
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