Show exercise duration in HH:MM:SS on Fitbit app

Logged a run from the Charge 6, Web dashboard shows Duration as 25:15. App shows the duration as 25! On the previous app, I was able to see the run duration in hours, minutes and seconds. Having the seconds missing makes the app view of the data much less useful - bring back the seconds please.

Moderator edit: Clarified subject

I have this exact issue also. Very disappointed that i cannot see the seconds of my run/walk time. It's not convenient to have to log onto the website every day to see the exact time of my run

Please please bring back the full time in hours, minutes and seconds

Status changed to: Reviewed By Moderator
Premium User
Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

Hi @DavidNS, and thanks for taking the time to share this product feedback about displaying the exercise duration in hours, minutes and seconds on the Fitbit app with us. We rely on feedback like yours to help us develop products and features that we know our community wants to see. If this product feedback receives votes from other customers and gains popularity, it will be shared internally with various teams at Fitbit. To learn more about how Fitbit decides what product feedback is developed, visit our FAQs.

Watch this space for status updates. In the meantime, try visiting Health & Wellness to talk with other members about all things health and fitness.

First Steps

Why does run time not show accurately in the app? It is rounded to the minute (no seconds). Is this a joke? I bought a $300 fitness watch and your app can't track the time of my runs, something I could do with a $5 stopwatch? This is probably the most basic, simple feature you could ask for in a fitness app. Utterly ridiculous.


Moderator Edit: Clarified subject

First Steps

Truly bizarre that run times do not show accurately in the app, and are rounded to the minute (no seconds). Is this a joke? I bought a $300 fitness watch and the app can't track the time of my runs, something I could do with a $5 stopwatch? This is probably the most basic, simple feature you could ask for in a fitness app. Utterly ridiculous.

First Steps

I agree wholeheartedly. Why would a fitness app round up or down something as basic as actual run times?  Do you not know that people who run actually care about whether they ran 6 miles in 54:25 or 54:55? To a runner, that difference is significant. Round up or down is simply unacceptable.  Why would you do that?


Same problem here!  New app is worthless as exercise tracker.  Who ever heard of timing your runs in just minutes??  Congratulations Mr Bannister on your run, we’ll just ballpark your time for that mile.  Contacted tech support and they were equally worthless, told me to post here and they will see my feedback.  Lots and lots of posts about this problem happening back in Dec 2020 as well (though it didn’t happen to mine then…)

First Steps

Removing the seconds from the exercise duration is a bug right? No one would do that deliberately? Right?

First Steps

Same issue. I'm assuming this is a bug that will be fixed. No one would do this deliberately, would they?

Status changed to: Reviewed By Moderator
Premium User
Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

Hi @Darren84, and thanks for taking the time to share this product feedback about allowing the exercise duration to display minutes and seconds on the Fitbit app with us. We rely on feedback like yours to help us develop products and features that we know our community wants to see. If this product feedback receives votes from other customers and gains popularity, it will be shared internally with various teams at Fitbit. To learn more about how Fitbit decides what product feedback is developed, visit our FAQs.

Watch this space for status updates. In the meantime, try visiting Health & Wellness to talk with other members about all things health and fitness.

First Steps

Anyone who takes fitness even SLIGHTLY seriously cares about tracking workouts to the second. You are going to lose people serious about fitness and not gain any additional users with this move. Serious athletes are already looking to Garmin, and this is going to drive other Fitbit users in that direction as well. 

Recovery Runner

I've got the same issue and it's in the threads too - Re: How do I find the seconds to my run?? - Fitbit Community - so others - runners - that need this feature RETURNED to the app. This is a retrogressive step Google, with a small change on the control to show the data - as it's still possible to get to via a circuitous route to see it, (and is obviously capturing the data in seconds). Surely this isn't a hard or complex fix so should be right up there on the backlog?? 

Recovery Runner

Ditto all the above. Used Fitbit for 10 years. Google forced app change, now having to look at Garmin to get something as basic as seconds on exercise timings.

First Steps

Completely agree. I'm new to FitBit and just logged my first run and couldn't work out how to see the seconds. You need to put the seconds back in. And presume it is a really easy update to reintroduce.


Agree to all of the above.. Bizarre! Absolutely Bizarre! 

I also love the fact where they say "If you get enough votes we will add it back"... What about all the people who dont bother with the votes and/or community and just move on to a more serious platform or apps like Strava?


I 100% agree.  It is almost as if a non-runner rewrote the app assuming that seconds are not important.  This device is totally useless without seconds and MUST be fixed quickly otherwise I am abandoning this “fitness tracker.”   


Not sure what kind of product owners are working on the app but this is a massive failure.

Fail fast and fix this please

I have a computer on my watch (Fitbit Charge 5) and I have a computer on my phone, but when I run the Fitbit app, I cannot see the accuracy of minutes AND seconds, I can only see minutes. I need to manually calculate the seconds in order to continue accurate tracking of my runs.
Progression Runner

I thought this was a bug that they were going to fix!
Ridiculous that they would purposely drop seconds from exercise details! 

First Steps

This is so infuriating! I’ve had a Fitbit for years and never had this problem before with tracking runs. What’s the point in having one if it’s just going to be inaccurate? Useless 

Progression Runner


Someone posted this workaround. Ridiculous that Fitbit didn’t post it and that we even have to do it. I have almost deleted my data by mistake so I took a photo to try to make it easy to remember! 


@vee  I can only see 3 options in that screen:

Manage Third Party Apps
Delete Data
Delete Account

There is no "Exercise Logs"

Progression Runner

Hope this helps. Make sure you don’t delete but review your data. 


Progression Runner



Just here to show solidarity. I just cant fathom how removing this functionality got approval from anyone with any idea about fitness trackers? This has really got me regretting buying a sense 2 because I now can’t change to a Garmin, which I would have done had I realised this before! 

First Steps

I also can't believe this! Even someone like me who is a walker and not a serious runner wants this info. I was walking laps at the gym (11 to a mile) and every lap showed clearly on my watch when I hit the lap counter. Imagine my surprise when I tried to review the data afterward on my phone only to find that all my lap times which varied between 1:33 and 1:56 were all rounded to 1 minute! I tried doing 2 slow, 13 a little faster, and 2 more slow to finish, but apparently all 17 were exactly 1 minute! This is a very basic feature that needs to be fixed, and quickly. I've been a very loyal fitbit user for years, ignoring everyone who's been recommending switching to Garmin. I will need to start looking into taking their advice.

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