02-03-2025 18:33
02-03-2025 18:33
I currently have a Fitbit One and my husband has an Inspire 3. We each have a fitbit account. We have one smart phone that I use to sync both devices. I recently purchased an Inspire 3 to replace my One. It still works just fine but I have not been able to see history since last August. So my question is --if I start using my new Inspire 3, will I be able to sync both devices using the same phone? I am confused as to how the phone will know which device it is syncing, mine or my husbands. I have accumulated a lot of steps over several years, and I do not want to lose my lifetime totals. Step by step instructions on how I should set up my new device would be very helpful.
02-03-2025 18:51
02-03-2025 18:51
Right now with your One and your husband's Inspire 3 syncing on the same smart phone, have you been logging out of one account and back in to the other, or just staying logged into the same fitbit account?
02-04-2025 19:15
02-04-2025 19:15
I log into my fitbit account and sync my One. Then I sign out and log back in again with my husband's fitbit account and sync his Inspire 3. It works fine but I don't know how the phone will know which Inspire 3 to sync with the proper account. Thanks for your question. I hope I have answered correctly. Any help you can give me will be appreciated.
02-04-2025 20:07
02-04-2025 20:07
Okay. Good. You have been doing it correctly. I was afraid maybe you were not switching accounts, explaining your lost steps, but not the case.
To use your new Inspire 3 instead of the One, make sure you are logged into your account. First sync with the One to get all the data from there to the fitbit database. Then tap the device/battery % icon at top left of Today screen, and 'Add more Devices'. Choose Inspire 3. Hopefully, it will say something like 'you already have a Fitbit One attached to this account. Do you want to replace it?' and say 'yes'. I am hoping it will have not found and mention the other Inspire 3 here because it is in a different account. If it did find the Inspire 3 here, which I doubt, then just back out and let me know. I'd have to reconsider.
But assuming it did not find the other Inspire 3, the you say yes you want to replace the One with the Inspire 3 and it does the work of disconnecting the One for you and just follow instructions. Then even though you have two Inspire 3s connected, it will know by which fitbit account you are in when you sync. All your data is stored in the main fitbit database by your fitbit ID/email regardless of which type device it came from, and your husband's data is stored separately by his fitbit ID/email, even though they are coming from the same phone, as long as you keep the accounts straight when you sync.