06-05-2022 11:00
06-05-2022 11:00
Any ideas when this will be released as support believe it has been and will solve my issues including Alexa, food logging and several premium features not loading properly.
Everytime I speak to them they tell me to update to 3.6 but latest version is 3.58
06-05-2022 17:29
06-05-2022 17:29
Hello @Smstext
I don’t know when any new update that’s beings released for the Android Version of the Fitbit App. I looked on my Android phone and you are correct. The only available version is 3.58. I don’t personally use an Android device to view the Fitbit App but I use an iOS iPad. The current version for iOS Is 3.60 I received and downloaded that version about a week ago. The Android 3.58 (as you have) was released April 19, 2022.
You can look here to see a list of the Fitbit App releases: https://help.fitbit.com/articles/en_US/Help_article/2025.htm. You will notice that the iOS 3.60 that I just updated is not posted there yet (most likely because it’s super new and the page needs to be updated) With that said I wanted to confirm with you that your not seeing things and your right about the only current version for Android is 3.58. Hopefully (because iOS just recently had an update) yours will be forthcoming here soon.
🤞😉 Fingers crossed. I hope this provides a bit of clarity
06-06-2022 03:02
06-06-2022 03:02
@Smstext the latest version, if you include Beta releases is 3.59.1 Beta and I see it's been updated on 19 May 2022. There is no 3.6 version. Looking at the Beta release, not much else is going to happen and I wouldn't count on any significant bug fixes.
06-07-2022 00:59
06-07-2022 00:59
I've just received 3.59.1 official