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My Gakaxy Z-Flip 4 will not sync with my device since the latest release of Android 13. I was told that the new Fitbit version 3.73 will take care of this problem, but it is not showing up in Play store for me, after months of waiting. The only version is 3.71 which was released in November and the one I am currently using. This is very frustrating as I've been unable to sync for months, Before I knew it was a bug in the app, I even bought a new Fitbit device thinking maybe that was the problem and obviously had no luck. I now have invested too much money in these products with no real resolution from Fitbit, which is very disappointing and unacceptable. I think at this point I will be moving on to a different brand device.
Moderator edit: Subject for clarity.
01-12-2023 06:02
01-12-2023 06:02
Hi @RMM0915 apps seem to be on a rolling update. Not everyone gets them on the day of release. Often I'm a week behind or more from others getting their updates. Be patient and it will arrive for you.
01-12-2023 06:35
01-12-2023 06:35
I don't understand why it's "rolling" and not sent out to everyone at once? I also feel I've been MORE than patient, I've been waiting for an update to this problem since early November. It is completely unacceptable in my opinion.
01-12-2023 09:59 - edited 01-14-2023 10:41
01-12-2023 09:59 - edited 01-14-2023 10:41
@Odyssey13 Thanks for your help.
@RMM0915 Welcome to the forums. Thanks for reaching out about the newest Fitbit app version.
Please note that this update is released in waves and it takes about a week to reach all users. I suppose it is done this way to test its introduction and see if changes do take effect or not. I understand the situation with Flip devices has been going for weeks already. I really appreciate your patience. You will soon receive the latest app update.
Have a nice day!
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Seriously, could someone please explain. What the heck is this rolling update? makes no sense to an outsider
Acceptable customer service would be to provide a tentative rollout schedule. Overpromissing and underdelivering is posting, hey, it is all fixed, everything is fine. And leaving literrally thousands, possibly hundreds of thousands of customers lossing valueable time, continually checking the app store for an update. quite frankly it is disrespectful to the customers. Hence the reason why so many are strongly considering ending the customer relationship with Alphabet.
01-12-2023 12:24
01-12-2023 12:24
Agreed! The customer service regarding this problem has been lacking and as you said, it feels disrespectful to just continuously be given the answer "please be patient". I've spent a lot of money on these products, which are worthless right now for months, plus I am a premium subscriber, which is also worthless when you have a device that won't sync for months and I hate that I'm being told "just be patient". It's ridiculous, quite frankly.
01-12-2023 16:28
01-12-2023 16:28
Agree it is so frustrating
I'm in the same position
01-12-2023 18:37
01-12-2023 18:37
Sooo I own a z-flip, premium membership, I also dont see it in the playstore but my fiance is a lead software engineer.
I don't quite know why FitBit wasn't transparent for the people who aren't software engineers (other than the implication sounds terrifying but it's literally a risk with Every company and software project) but a rolling update is done by a developer (people who are in charge of fixing the code and finding a work around in this case to the issues with Samsung flip phones) in the playstore by setting a percentage of users to receive the update. It's like a random lottery; not by region, not by whose been using it the longest; completely random.
It would be difficult to pick and choose in programming and they may not have the ability to do so through the playstore.
With that being said they are probably doing this because IF...IF there are problems that are still occurring with that small group they can roll back the changes and get one more clue to get them closer to a real solution.
Why not roll it to everyone you ask well because if something goes horribly wrong and what they did accidently bricks (complete internal failure that is irreversible) the devices they only have to help that small percentage get refunds (we hope) instead of possibly ruining every single fitbit with this issue because they pushed it all at once.
Why can't they tell you how long well debugging (fixing software problems) is kinda like asking the police when they're going to solve a murder; they get clues to what's happening as they go but there isn't a definitive time they can give without lying through their teeth and or making rightfully angry people more angry.
So although I completely understand why they can't give a real ETA I too wonder if they will be giving a credit for the time we haven't been able to use these features.
It doesn't make the situation any better but I hope that at least helps people understand why it's happening.
(I also don't really know the right place to post this to get it to the most people but John's busy and I don't feel like asking him)
01-13-2023 04:47
01-13-2023 04:47
Android Fitbit app 3.73 was announced on 1/9 by a moderator...available to all users now on the Google Play Store. Funny story...no it's not and it's the 13th. Still not able to use my new Fitbit with my Fold phone.
01-13-2023 05:27
01-13-2023 05:27
Hi @jamesgerboc as with any updated app, these are done on a rolling basis. Some people will get them the first day and some get it a week or two later. I'm not sure how it works, but this has always been the case.
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I do appreciate the explanation. This issue is not the software engineers. It is the lack of clear, complete, concise, and correct information. Nothing pisses off a customer more than being told enthusiastically, it is fixed. BEFORE it actually is fixed. A better response would have been, we THINK we have a fix, we are currently in the process of testing it and will provide ongoing updates.
a two week delay, therefore unacceptable for a moderator to post that the problem is fixed. it ain't fixed until it is fixed for everyone
01-13-2023 15:41
01-13-2023 15:41
I have a Flip3 and I read the news of an update on 1/9/2023. Customer support said I would get it in 3 days. And no, I didn't get the updated app. They now say 4 days from today. We'll see.
I have the Charge 5 and I got fitbits for my spouse and adult son. Both use Pixel phones and have had no issues, so far. This is my 2nd issue with this device. At this point, I no longer believe in the reliability of Fitbit devices and I believe it will continue to have issues moving forward. I've been mulling upgrading to a Pixel watch so no, that won't be happening.
If this fix doesn't happen in the time frame they now say, that's it. I'm cancelling my premium subscription, bite the bullet and get another device (if somebody can make a recommendation for another device manufacturer, it'll be gladly appreciated) and will NEVER recommend this device to anybody.
01-13-2023 18:46
01-13-2023 18:46
I don't believe the 'rolling' comment. No updates to date. Seriously fix this issue!
01-13-2023 21:03
01-13-2023 21:03
Anyone else not able to get the new fitbit app on the Google play store? Mine is still showing as version 3.72.
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Hello everyone. Welcome to the newcomers.
Thanks for taking the time to share your experience and feedback. I totally understand your position and this will be considered going forward.
The new Fitbit app version will reach all customers by next week. This is all of the information we moderators have at the moment. Else we would definitely share more details. I greatly appreciate your patience.
Have a nice day!
01-17-2023 04:20
01-17-2023 04:20
UPDATE: I still have not received the Fitbit update, but thanks to the recent Android update done this morning, my new Inspire managed to pair. If anyone else has gotten an Android update, I recommend trying again.
01-17-2023 08:42
01-17-2023 08:42
Thank you for this! I've been checking the app store every day for an update. I just tried paring my Luxe again and it finally worked. It stopped on December 12th.
01-17-2023 08:47
01-17-2023 08:47
I am affected by the connection issue on my Z Fold 4 as well and still have not received the update for Fitbit app. Mine is stuck at ver 3.72
01-17-2023 10:54
01-17-2023 10:54
If you got the Android update for your phone today, that should hopefully take care of it for you. I have the Z-flip 4 and it worked after the Android update. Still have yet to get the Fitbit app update and I've been checking every day as well. Fitbit's response to this problem has truly been less than favorable.
01-17-2023 10:54
01-17-2023 10:54
Glad it worked for you as well!